Page 287 - PERSIAN 5 1905_1911
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              In connection with tho suppression of piracy H.M.8. Redbreast arrived
           on tho 23rd July 1907, and remained till the Gth August, when she left for
           Bushire. She returned again on tho 11th August, but left for Basrah on the
           17th. H.M.8. Lapwing arrived to take her place on the 31st August and
          remained in Bahcrin waters till the 14th September, when all likelihood of
          piracies occurring soemed to have subsided.
              On the Gth December 1907, the Indo-European Telegraph Department
          steamer Patrick Stewart arrived with the Officiating Director on board, and
          auchored for a few hours while Mr. Campbell came ashore to soe the proposed
          site for a telegraph building.
              On the 12th January 1908, the R.I.M.S. Lawrence came over from
          Bushire, with the now Agency launch Bahrein in tow. She proceeded on the
          following day to the Truoiai Oman coast, taking tho Agency Interpreter,
          Mr. Inam al Hak, on a temporary deputation.

                           Movements of the Political Agent.
              The Political Agent spent about 32 days in camp during the year in
          different parts of the islands.
              In August 1907 the Political Agent paid a hasty visit to Bushire in
          H. M, S. Redbreast.
              In September and October 1907, Captain Prideaux availed himself of 0
          weeks* privilege leave to India.
              On the 21st December 1907, the Political Agent proceeded to Bushire,
          returniug to Bahrein on the 12th January 1908.
                        Visits of Officials and other Europeans.
              On the 13lh April 1907, Mr. C. Wills arrived from England to relieve
          Mr. H, S. Milborrow, proceeding on furlough, of tho oharge of the local branch
          of Messrs. Gray Paul & Co. Mr. Milborrow returned to Bahrein just before
          the close of tho year, and Mr. Wills was thon transferred to Basrah.
              Soveral changes were mado in the personnel of the American Arabian
          Mission during the year, iu consequenco of the Rev. J. Moerdyk proceeding
          home on furlough and Mrs. Vogel being transferred to Basrah. The new
          comers, who relieved each other at different periods, were the Rev. James
          Cantine accompanied by Mrs. Cantine, from Maskat, and the Rev. J. Van
          Ess, the Rev. F. J. Barny, Mr. D. Dykstra (lay teacher), Dr. A. K. Bennett,
          Dr. H. R. L. Worrell and Miss Scardefield, all from Basrah.
              Mons. Victor Rosenthal, of the Parisian firm of pearl-merchants, arrived
          on the 9th September and left for Europe on the 9th December 1907. He
          stayed this year with Mr. Bahnson of Messrs. R. Wonokhaus & Co., as a
          paying guest. Different reports 6tate that he spent 3J lakhs and 6 lakhs on his
              Mons. Elbaz of Maskat, who is called by the Arabs Ibrahim and is under­
          stood to be a nephew of Mons. Goguyer of Maskat, arrived in Bahrein on the
          8th November and left on tho 23rd idem. He put up with Haji Muqbil adh
           Dhakair, the pearl and rice merchant. The apparent object of his visit was to
          set going a new contrivance for raising wator from a well, imported from
          France by Haji Muqbil through Mons. Goguyer.
              On the 16th December 1607, Mr. Laff^re, Assistant Engineer, Publio
          Works Department, arrived from Bunder Abbas fora week to inspect the
           Agency buildings and the Postmaster’s house, and on the 26th January
          Mr. E. Greene, Superintendent of Post Offices, Karachi and Persian Gulf
          Divisions, came to Bahrein ou his annual inspection tour.
              Other casual and hasty visitors to Bahrein were Mr. Brown of Messrs.
           Wonokhaus & Co., Professor Oestrup, Ph.D. (a Dane), and a Gorman
          architect proceeding to Baghdad, in Novombor 1907; a German commercial
           agent named Kurt Jung in Fobruary 1908; and Messrs. C. H. Kesteven of
           Calcutta and Lyle of Gray Mackenzie & Co., of Basrah, in March 1908.
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