Page 30 - PERSIAN 5 1905_1911
P. 30
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Tbc “°“ra °f«- JL£" NJlf by1'English E°nTber aC0°^
re/arri? ‘SBUCS With U'e Customs AdmSrt™K*° C°Te was 00n“d"ed likely
A. 6 °Ur Stati0D* * - deemed
Lieutenant C.
Mr. McCorraiok
latter afforded lii s:^aS&^-,w-s
Land be recnmmpnri„j^.V ub ^ i^*3 ^°*n was 1u>te decided to take them in
the work hC C“p,0-Vment ot three or four Sicilian experts for
As regards the Mo in’s many schemes in Arabistan, Mr. McCormick
strongly advocated as a preliminary measure the constiuction of an inexpensive
light railway from Mohammerah to Shusbter from whence communications
with Ispahan and elsewhere would be opened up by the construction of good
A section of the Mamasenni Lurs occupying a tract in the hill country
to the north-west of Bushire who have hitherto paid tribute to the Moin-ut-
Tujjar, who enjoys this district in Gef in partnership with Seyyid Shaboncara
of Bushire, rebelled in January and expeJled the Moin’s representative from
their district. Henj?)m and its affairs are
primarily within the sphere of ilis
Britannic Majesty’s Consul at BuDder Abbns, but owing to the fact that
telegraphic communication has not p*t been regularly established, Renjam
affairs of urgency have been necessarily referred during the year direcs to
the Residency.
The status of the island and our Telegraph Station hare been a source of
constant correspondence during the period uuder report.
At the beginning of the year the Arab villagers became restive and
repeatedlv importuned for assurance that they would pot be handed over to
Persian jurisdiction. Bear Admiral Sir George Atk.nson Whiles visited the
island in company with His Britannic Majesty’s Consul at Bunder Abbas^rly
in April 1905 and the latter sent in a report pointing out the ddficult.y. of
keepL them much longer without giving them an answer mnidingJbeir
future status. The juncture was however, held to be inconvenient for suoha
declaration ns correspondence regarding the future status and units of out
station were stiU in progress at Tehran, and it was decided to foilw ddatoyy
tactics for some time longer. Meanwhile standing ordere were is^ by,the
Admiral at the request of the Government of India for■ all i^‘P* P“PIs J
or down the Gulf to call at Hen.jam. Things remaine^ ^ p..^toms TVimetor
months except for a visit paid to the island by Monsie r 8, witnesses,
at Bunder Abbas in June whfL A^te'hfawept a'Stoms post in their village
annoying them but simply to make sure 1L
island as their property at some future aare. a. i haring
Persian Government regarding Monsieur Stas conduc » . rcgs
stoutly denied the action attributed to him it was dec m-l&Mvg
matter as it was undesirable to do anything to increase t e
which already existed.
collecting material /<*•
In September the Customs Authorities began telegraph prom***
building on a Bite which was unpleasantly close to our own