Page 378 - PERSIAN 5 1905_1911
P. 378

                      on the 24th November the Political Agent was informed that a native Italian
                      Agent would be sent to Maskat.
                          It is not probable that more than a few hundred rifles have found their
                      way from Maskat to Italian Somaliland during the period. Two hundred
                      rifles which were sent from here to Dhofar may have been destined for tho
                      Somali Coast. The exports in this direction might be put roughly at 300.
                          Total exports.—The total amount of exports, according to information
                      procurable here, is 36,040 rifles, 500 revolvers and 3,606,000 cartridges, as
                      against imports* of 80,190 rifles, 750 revolvers and 9,545,400 cartridges, leav­
                      ing a balance of about 44,150 rifles, 250 revolvers and 5,939,400 rounds of
                      ammunition to be either absorbed locally or stored. It is probable, however,
                      that the exports both to the Mekran Coast and up the Gulf exceeded the
                      figures mentioned above.
                          A gun merchant, in conversation with the Political Agent recently,
                      estimated the exports to Koweit at 25,000 rifles for the last nine months, and
                      said that the greater part of these went to Diarbekir and Mardin via Mosul.
                          Steps are being taken to procure more accurate statistics in future.
                          Brussels Arms Conference.—In April 1908, a Conference at which the
                      British, French, German and Italian Governments were represented, met at
                      Brussels to consider the question of the illicit arms trade. Major W. G.
                      Grey, Political Agent at Maskat, and Captain W. E. Bowman, late of H. M.
                      S. Sphinx, were deputed to attend the Conference.
                          After protracted discussion the Arms Conference was adjourned on July
                      20th until November 24th. The meeting was eventually still further post­
                      poned and the Conference has not reassembled at the time of writing.
                          The following kinds of rifles are also imported into Maskat:—
                            Mauser repeating rifle (sporting), 5 shot.
                            A rifle known as the Mauser Mackenzie, which has the name Francotte
                                  engraved on it, no magazine.
                          Specially expensive rifles.—Of the first kind about 2,000 are said by the
                      local traders to have been imported for the nine months and of the second
                     300 only. The customs authorities, however, estimate the quantities imported
                     at 3,000 and 2,000 respectively. The repeating rifle is at present sold, with
                     400 rounds ammunition, for R120 to R140. Formerly, its price was R200.
                      Persians buy these rifles largely and also a few Mekranis and others. It is
                     said that about 500 of them remain in stock.
                         The second kind is of Belgian manufacture and is at present sold at
                     R110 to 120 with 100 cartridges. Not many of these have been sold during
                      the nine months.
                         A double barrelled shot gun and rifle combined, of German make, is
                      imported and also a similar weapon of English make. They are sold at
                     present at R100 with 400 cartridges. Formerly the price was R130 to 140.
                     It is said that only 50 of these were imported during the period under review
                     and that some of them are still unsold.
                         A three shot Mauser repeating rifle is also imported.
                         Besides the above patterns several other kinds of more expensive rifles
                     are imported but in very small quantities.
                         Samples of Italian rifles marked “ Armata Romana ” and sighted to 1,200
                     yards arc now on their way to some of the local merchants.
                          Revolvers and pistols.—Revolvers and pistols of various kinds and
                     qualities are imported into Maskat but the chief ones are—
                                 Mauser repeating pistol (10 shot).
                                 Browning pistol (Colt patlern).
                                 Mauser revolver.
                        • Note.—Tho figure* furnished hy tho Customs authorities aro 89,100 rifles, 750 rovolvcrs  and 7.054.6W
                     tor.1 d < of ammunition. Thoy calculato roughly at tho rato of 50 rifles to a ooso.
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