Page 473 - PERSIAN 5 1905_1911
P. 473

POLITICAL RESIDENCY FOB 1909.              63

                                         APPENDIX V.

                                          Arms Traffic.
                        Anns and ammunition landed on the Alokran Coast during the year 1909.

                    Date.       Port where landed.                     Rexabxo.
                                              b:oc«.  A mm uni ton.  Pistols.

              January 5th     Banji •            330              50
                    10th      Ganari .           150
              February 1st    Khunarak           250
                 »  5th        Do.               250
                    7th       Kuh Mubarek °      300
                 »»  10th     Habt               200
                              Humdan              20
                    11th      Habt               200
                 »»  14th     Sadech .           500
                 »»  26th     Khunarak           800
                 »   »        Kitki Bundor       100
              March 2nd       Sokar .            400
                » 4th         Kah Mubarek       1,800                In two boats.
                „ 5ih         Homdan              50
                „ 8th         Bhal               800
                „ 10th        Gab re g ,        1,600                In two boats.
                „ 25th        Gunari .           800
                „ 27th        Sink               270
              April 9th       Biris Bander       600
               n ICth         Rapch Bander        80
               w 17th        Habt                200
               » 22nd        Kah Mubarek         600              50
               * 24th        Khor Lash            45
               » 26th        Galeg .             100    3,600
             May 10th        Khunarak             80
              , 14th         Ganari .            460   24,000  •M
              „ 26th          Do.                 85    4,800
              yt 3l8t        Khunarak            100    3,600   «««
             Jane 6th        Peviahk ,           560  150,000
               „ 15th                            200    1,200
                 16th        Ganari .             47    *400

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