Page 490 - PERSIAN 5 1905_1911
P. 490


                         Abliract of meteorological daily recordt during 1900 at the Political Agency, Kuwait.

                                           Noth.—Reading* all lafcw at 8 A.K. daily.
                                     Mixruux 8UADI     MmuuK BUAD1
                                      TBSSMOMITia.      THIRKOXITBB.       IUur»AU.

                          Month.        BtyAtrl recorded.  Lovtri recorded.
                                                                     Number  Total   Amo out
                                   Mean.            Mean.              of  amount   ■inc« lit
                                                                      daya  in month.  January.
                                         Da to.  Rending.  Date.  Reading.  foil.

                                                                          Ins. Ct. Ini. Ct.
                      January •    61-6  4th  699   47*9  12th   40-2  9   0 58
                      February     67-1  23rd  73-5  53-3  4th   46-2  8   0 20   0 78
                      March        770   17th  SS-8  60-8  3nl   48-7  5   0 40   1 18
                      L\ ril       SI-1  7th  94*S  68-3  10th   60-9  4    o n\  1 291
                      L'ay         973   21ct  107*5  75*S  lft  67-2             1 29J
                      Jcro         90*6  4th  105*9  82-5  14th  780              1 291
                      July .       100*3  31ct  116*9  87*4  17th  8-40           1 291
                      August .     105*7  3rd  115*1  86-2  19th  83*2            1 291
                      September    100*9  7th  110*5  81*8  27th  73*8            1 291
                      October .    90*5  7th  1020  74*5  24! h  65*1  3    0 14  1 431
                      ITorcrabir   7S*8  13 th  900  64*1  26th  58*1   2   4 34  1  771
                      P.:*.mfc;r   67*0  6ib  79*0  53*9  25th   46*0   3   0 65  2  421

                                                         TT. H. I. SHAKESPEAR, Captain,
                                                                     Political Agent, Kuwait.
                      Pouricja, Aflsycr, Kuwait;
                        Tie lOtk Ja*%ory 19JO.

                           CAtCTTTA: VEI3T2D Bt 5UPDT. GOVT. PBCTTIKO, IN OLA, 8, HASTINGS BTBZBT#
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