Page 601 - PERSIAN 5 1905_1911
P. 601
Eoviov? by the Political Resident.
The Reports for the year under review
PcrsocooL have been furnished by the following
Bushire and Fare . By the Resident.
Lingah . By Mr. R. H. New.
Bandar Abbas By Captain H. Y. Biscoe.
Kerman By Lieutenant-Colonel T. W. Haig.
Persian Mekran . By Mr. R. C. Barker, C.I.E., Director of Persian
Gulf Telegraphs, with a note by Hr. D. W.
Gumbley, Assistant Superintendent, Jask.
Arabistan . . By Major L. B. H. Haworth.
Ahwas By Captain A. J. H. Grey.
Maskat . By Major S. G. Knox, C.I.E.
Trucial Oman By the Resident.
Bahrain By Captain D. L. R. Larimer.
Kuwait . By Captain .W. H. I. Shakcspear.
Several changes have taken place during the year. Mr. H. Whitby Smith
was relieved, in March, by Mr. R. C. Campbell, on whose retirement, in July,
Mr. R. C. Barker, C.I.E., assumed charge of the Mekran Coast. Major
Haworth, on return from furlough, assumed charge at Mohammerah vice
Lieutenant A. T. Wilson, who was placed on special duty. Captain A. J. H.
Grey succeeded Lieutenant J. G. L. Ranking in May, on the latter’s transfer
to the United Provinces for training. Captain D. L. R. Lorimer took over
charge a-t Bahrain in April vice Major S. G. Krox, C.I.E., who relieved
Major A. P. Trevor, C.I.E., at Maskat, the latter proceeding home on
The Resident was directed, in November, to proceed to India to attend
His Majesty’s Coronation Durbar and left Bushire for the purpose, on 27th
November. On the occasion of the Durbar His Majesty was graciously
pleased to confer on him a Knight Commandership of the Indian Empire,
whilst Major F. B. Prideaux and Major A. P. Trevor of the Political Depart
ment, Mr. Whitby Smith, Director of Persian Gulf Telegraphs and Political
Officer, Mekran Coast, and Mr. E. C. Grcgson, Assistant Superintendent of
Police, on special duty in connection with the Arms Traffic, all received the
Companionship of the same Order, the recognition of good work performed in
the Persian Gulf.