Page 125 - PERSIAN 2C 1890_1899_Neat
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          In November last a quarrel was reported to have broken out between
       girtip Zain-ul-Abadin Khan and Sardare Din Muhammad and Mowladad Khan,
       *ho appealed to the Persian Government respecting the possession of Boona;
       the report mentioned that the Sirtip was marching against Mowladad Khanf
       but it is not known with what result.
                                11.—SLAVE TRADE.
          There were no captures of slave dhows by Her Majesty’s ships during the
       year under report.
          The visit of the Resident to the pirate coast in November last to exact
       penalties for breach of 6lave trade treaty has already been mentioned. The
       principal offender was the Chief of Rns-ul-Ehymah, who, with bis relation and
       subordinate, the Chief of Khor Fakan, had sheltered the importer of thirty-
       three slaves from Zanzibar.
          A few cases of importing slaves into Persia were brought to notice during
       the year; in most instances the slaves were traced and given their freedom.
           Three freshly-imported slaves were discovered by the Residency Agent on
       the Arab coast, and were forwarded in due course to Bombay.
                            12.—ROYAL NAVY VESSELS.
           Commander Hart-Dyke, H.N., H.1T.S. Sphinx, was Senior Naval Officer,
       Persian Gulf Division, until February 1893, when he vacated his command on
       promotion and was succeeded by Commander J. H. Pelly, r.n.
           H.M.S. Costae!was on the station as Senior Officer’s ship during Octo­
       ber 1892, and, at the end of January, was detailed for duty at Bander Abbas,
       where she remained about a fortnight, leaving the Gulf again early in March
           H.M.S. Sphinx proceeded to Bombay to pay off in the middle of March,
       and was relieved at Muscat by H.LLS. Brisk.

                          IS.—POLITICAL APPOINTMENTS.
           Captain Kemball, First Assistant, left for Baluchistan in the beginning of
       May 1892, and was succeeded on the 21st idem by Lieutenant Beville, who was
       transferred to Bussorah on the SOth July.
           Captain S. H. Godfrey arrived on 11th November and continued as First
       Assistant until the end of the year.
           Surgeon-Captain Duke was in medical charge until the 29th January
       1893, when he proceeded to Meshed as Residency Surgeon. He was succeeded
       on the 7th of February by Surgeon-Major G. M. Giles, F.R.C.S., who held
       charge for the rest of the year.
           Mr. B. T. Ffinch, Director, Persian Gulf Section, Indo-European Telegraph
       Department, who had for many years held a political charge on the Mekran
       coast, relinquished office on the 31st March last on promotion as Director-in-
       Chief. He has been succeeded in the Directorship by Mr. J. Possmann.

           The results of the daily observations are recorded in a tabular statement
       marked Appendix A. The summer was long and trying; during the past
       winter, gales have been frequent, and one, on the 17th November, was accom­
       panied by a hail-storm of exceptional severity which did a good deal of damage.

             Bushiiie, n                  A. C. TALBOT, Lieut.* Colonel,
        The 27th May 1S93. j                  political Resident, Persian Gulf,1
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