Page 192 - PERSIAN 2C 1890_1899_Neat
P. 192


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                 MUBC^ent^sir fugitive slaves were granted freedom during the year under

                 tliet^ of the Treaty of 1878^^^          and Zapwing, and H. M.’s
                     H. M. 8 Ships op           ^ j M. S. Lawrence touched at Mus­

                     In April 1893 the S. 8. Khiva, carrying a large number of pilgrims
                                                to Jeddah, was destroyed by fire off
                                                Merbat on the south coast of Arabia.
                 A full report on the matter was submitted to the Political Resident in
                 the Persian Gulf on the 10th of the following May. The assistance
                  rendered by the Sultan in provisioning and despatching Ilis Highness the
                  Sultan of Zanzibar’s steam-ship Avoca, which was then the only steamer
                  in harbour, to the relief of the distressed pilgrims and crew, and the subse-
                  quent steps taken by His Highness for their comfort and accommodation
                  whilst in his territories, were acknowledged by the Government of India by
                  the presentation to His Highness of a handsome telescope and watch.
                  Presents were also sanctioned for the leading Shaikhs and tribesmen of the
                  friendly Arabs who gave shelter and protection to the pilgrims and crew of
                  the Khiza on their first landing; to their friendly exertions over a thousand
                  persons, barely escaping the most terrible of the perils of the sea, owed the
                  safety of their lives and property.
                      I officiated as Resident in the Persian Gulf for six weeks from the 3rd
                                                 June, and again for a fortnight in Decem­
                            Official changes.
                                                 ber; in August I proceeded on privilege
                  leave for 2 months and 22 days. With these exceptions, during which
                  charge was made over to Surgeon-Lieutenant-Colonel A. S. Jayakar, I
                  held charge of the Political Agency and Consulate during the year.

                                                   J. HAYESSADLER, Major,
                                            J2. B. M.’s Political Agent and Consul, Muscat.
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