Page 229 - PERSIAN 2C 1890_1899_Neat
P. 229


                   RESIDENCY AND MUSCAT POLITICAL AGENCY FOR 1893-94.      69“

             Return of Principal Article* carried to Mohammerah by British vessels on Kama river.

                                              1891.              1892.
                                         Quantity.  Yaloc.   Quantity.  VaJaa.

                                                     £                  £.
           Cotton •                       218 bales   1,000    66 bales   330'
           Flour                          772 bags   358      129 bags   65
            Ghee                          288 cwt.   761       32 cwt.   54
           Linseed .                      550 bags   201      160 cwt.   80-
           Moblab .                       346 „     L038
           Pioco-gooda                    252 bales   1,008   51 bales  204
           Opiam .                        17 chesta   1,020
           Wheat .                        470 tons   1,925    9-1-5 tons   503-4
           Wool •                       913 bandies  4,565   511 bundles  366
           Specie •                      76  N      3,481              1,637-1H
           Miscellaneous                             186                 87
           Sesame seed .                  648 cwt    216     2,403 cwt.  1,000
          Transhipped cargo—
          For England—
           Carpets                         252 bales   1,300  190 bales  1,045
           Madder roots                    28 „       33
          For India—
           Almonds                          6 cases    9
           Raisins   •                      6 bags     C

                             Total                  17,197             5,371-14

           Return of Principal Article* carried from }fo hammer ah by British steamers to Korun Ports.
                                              1SS3.               1892.
                                         Quantity.  Yalce.   Quantity.  Value.

           Coffee                          29 bags   174       11 bags    88
           Copper .                       319 sheets   300
           Iron                           246 bdlcs.   250
           Piece-goods                    512 bales   8,192   211 bales  3,045
           Pepper .                        49 bags   450                • ••.
                                          903 cases   1,354-10
           Sugar, loaf                 {  S52 bags   1,278    153 cases   300.
           Kashmir sbawls                   9 cases   1,080   218 bags   327
           Tea .                           *6        92        12 cases   36
           Specie .                                  150
           Miscellaneous                             795                 340
          Transhipped cargo—
          From Great Britain—
           Iron              • .          • •• »M            655 bdles.  327
          From Franco-
           Sugar, loaf       • .          700 cases  1,0S5   500 cases   937
          From India—.
           Alum. ,                         86 caslcs   1S2
           Copper .   \
           Iron ,                         426 sheets   402
           Piece-goods .                  328 bars   112      164  bars   82
           Pepper .                       759 bales  12,144   165  bales  2,725
           ougar ,                         43 bags   398
           Tea                            681  »•  1.021      100 bags   150
                                           89 cases  200
           Miscellaneous .
                                                    1,213                157
                             Total                 30,822-10            8,514
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