Page 26 - PERSIAN 2C 1890_1899_Neat
P. 26


                                                      TABLB No. 1.
                                  Return of Principal Ariiclet of Export f row Buthire during the pear 1890\
                                                              1680.               189ft.
                                                        Qatotlij.  Valosw   QnaaWy.
                                                                     R                    M
                                                         SSI hor*ea          177 boretn
                            Animals   •   ■   •   «  {   89 donkejs  }  64400 {
                            Cattle •   •   •   •        6,(XX) head   16.000  4,000hc*d   8j000
                            Cotton, raw  •   •   •   •  80.033 owta.  16,99.720  66,228 cwto.  11,0X750
                            Cotton goods .   •   •   •   139 pkK«i.   21,600  141 pkgca,   38,760
                            Dates   •  t  •   •   •    16,868 cwU.  62,010  20,330 cm a.   7*470
                            Drugs and medioioes   . .   .  966   „  27.19Q  1.744   „    48320
                            Dyeing and colouring materials   2,124  ..  16,790  985   „  8,430
                            Fruit and vegetables   .   • ;  16,368  *  2,48,690  18,400   „  2,39,800
                            Grain and pulse •   •   •.  69.210  ».  2,89,720  *16,513   „  *41,740
                            Gum •   •  •.   •   •       8.066 „     66.410  7,473   „    67.330
                            Hides and skims •   •   •   1,301 pkges. '   1,03,160  828 pkges.   63760
                            Opium •   •   •             4,817 cheats  48,05,000  8,336 chests  33,88,000
                            Pearls •   •  .  •   •   •              21,200               13.000
                                                    {   9,300 carboys      12,663 carboys
                            Pefumeiy •                  6,645 cases   ] 1,22,050 ^  11,604 cases   } 1,99,270
                            Pro visions and oftmanslcres  2,041 pkgea.   1,03,010   6,025 pkgco.   1,01.080
                            Seeds                       8,343 cwts.   37,150   7,784 cuts.   4*810
                            Silk (raw) •   •   .          80 „      31,160   122 „       72,300
                            Tobacco                    30,525 w    6,69,200   25,656   „  W10
                            Wool ....                   2.406   „   64,400   6^30   „   1,42,680
                            Wool] ns goods (carpets) ..   24S pkges.  1,63 120   468 pkges.  3,0*,760
                            Other article*   .   •                 1,92,900             *5*650
                                              Total               86.93.470            75^5,150
                                              Specie               9,66,200             *0*470
                                        GRAND TOTAL               95,49,670            80,51,620

                                                      TABLE No. 2.
                                   Retnrn of Principal Articles of Imports into Bushtre during the pear 1890.
                                                              1890.                 1BS9.
                                                         QosnUty.  Valoa.    Qccxllty.  Tains.
                                                                      a                   s
                            Anas and ammunition .        26» pkges.   43.320   457 pkges.   69,470
                            Curt's. .   .   .           2^01 cwts.                       73,700
                            ODfiN .   .   .   ;          332   „    3*370   1^53 cwts.   1-C300
                            CotiOB goods .             3*849 pkgea.   95,6*300   3Q,43SfkJes   6*51,200
                            Thread and tvist .           252   .                        *1*900
                                                                             4S1 -
                            Drugs and medicines         *073       *9*800   2JT81   .    9iJS3D
                            Dyeusgaad eolooriag iwtHwjt  693                 43A  „       8.470
                            F«d .   .                   *168| toss   6**39   £8JM4orta.   15.600
                            Glass.aad glassware ,                   5*300   2J&&3 pkgea.   9*920
                            Gold lace and gold thread   *028 pkget.                      25,6tf>
                            Grain and pulse .   %       8.971 cwts.  47,460   *449 cwt*.  NtfSO
                            Hardware and cutlery .       231 pkges.   48,180   805 pkges.   98.670
                            Mp....                      *578 cwts.   526250   4^388 cwts.
                            inU, manufactures ot .                                       63,730
                            Idqoon. wince and sprite    W pkges.    85-430   1.267 pkges.
                             T • • ...                  4*384* cwts.   1*8*&W   43JGQ8 earls.   uiwo
                                manufactures tf. .       830 pkges.                      tUBM
                                                                              4» jks»
                            Oil  .                      *502 cwts.   57290   *33Scw*«.   6*370
                                                        2*346 pkgea.  W&*>   1^3 ptgea  L5J.910
                                                        *473  ■    *8*180    sjoes »     4QJPO
                                                          44         4*300               3*500
                            8{ns .                            5W               » .
                                                         4JB95 certs.   1,4*190   SJSS cwts.  UttMO
                                                         ■311 esses.   4*400   233 pk*r*   1*850
                            Saga^hsC                                        34.054 nwta.   S,4*WO
                              a                         78357 cwts.   11.49,440
                            Ties                        51320  n    6.49,130   46,869   „  *77*30
                            Timber and wood              *352  »#   4.28510   3,856 m    672*0
                            WooQea goods                             30,850             yam
                            Other articles •              283 pkges.  6 11,410   202 pkgea.
                                               Tom                *66.48,740
                                 r 9                                                   *1*0*570
                                        GRAND TOTAL        *•••*.  *66,4*710
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