Page 323 - PERSIAN 2C 1890_1899_Neat
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and maskat political agency roil the yjeah 1896-96. 29

                                      Table No. 7.

             Jlelum of principal articles of export from Shiraz during the years 1895-94,

                                              2898.               1894.
                                         Quantity.  Vila*.   Quantity.  Yalta.

                                                    Bs.                 Es.

            Animals          HI          476 head   79.170   620 head  1.04,000
            Cotton (raw)  • ••  •H  HI  6.600 hales  1,83.330  3.000 bale*  84,000

            Drags and medicines     Ml   400 orris.  10,670  600 bdla.   6,000
                        Almonds         7.000 „    1,70.000  6,000 „   2,00.000
            Fruits and vegetables^  IH
                        Othor kinds     1,000 „     16,670  1,500 „     16,600

            Gold and gold corn  H  IH    150 lbs.  1,50,000    • ••      •••
            Gum                        10,000 cwta.  1,00,000  300 pkgs.  4^00

            Hides and skins ...    •H  85,000 pcs.  66,670  800 bdls.  2,56,000
            Opium                  •H   3,250 chests  41,16,670  3,950 chests  61,35,000

                                       10,000 carboys
                                  -{    1,000 case*  30,000  2,000 pkgs.  14,000
            Perfumery (rosewater)               !
                      III           tit  1,600 cwts.  15,000  1,500 bdls  15,000
            83k (raw)  • ••        III   250 bdls.  68,340   200 „      32,000

            ■ manufactures of      • ••  120 „      60,000   60 „       20,000

            Tobacco   ...          Hi  35,000 ff   3,50,000  22,000 bags  4,84400
                      Ml           III  1,600 arts.  35,000    III
            Woollen goods (carpets)
                                        2,700 bales  '9,00,000  2,000 bales  8,00,000
            Othsrujicle, (antiques, ornamental boxes,
                                           HI       66,670     • ••     40,000

                          Toth            • ••    63,98490    •••     72,10400

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