Page 372 - PERSIAN 2C 1890_1899_Neat
P. 372


                      The British India, and Bombay and Persia, Steam Navigation Comn »
                  steamers called regularly from and to Bombay, tho former "weekly anj \ 8
                  latter about ouce in three weeks.                         * ia
                      The table attached gives all steamers but only sailing vessels nnrl
                  British flag. Fewer Indian sailing vessels called during tlie date season o\ ’
                  to the unsafe condition of the mouth of the river from piracies.   * "ln°
                       Karun river.—The Euphrates and Tigris Steam Navigation Company con­
                  tinued to run fortnightly to Bunder Nasri, in connection with a steamer to Shus*
                           New company.           *?r*      *!! Jear a nat*ve company,
                                                  the Shah-inshalu, was formed and hired
                   a steamer, which also runs fortnightly to Bundar Nasri ; since the 33th
                   April they have carried nearly all the local cargo and since the 16th July
                   nearly all the through cargo from Bombay to Sliushtcr, only returns of the
                   through cargo are obtainable by these steamers.
                       Freight.—Freight to Shushtar 17s. 5 Jd. per ton and to Bundar Nasri 9*.
                   per ton. In September the British Company reduced their rates to 11«. Id. to
                   Shush ter and 5s. to Bundar Nasi u

                       Wheat.—The wheat crop was partial, early sowings turned out unusually
                   well; but the later sowings partially failed owing to want of rain. Owing to
                   the larger area cultivated the* total crop was above the average; but less than in
                   189-t. Prices, 29. 51. to 1.9. 3d. p.*r cwt. Prices rose at the beginning of the year
                   owing to increased competition.
                       The prospects for next harvest are good, the rains having been good ; if
                   there is rain after the equinox an unusually good crop may be expected, other-
                   aviso an average one.
                       Dates.—The date crop wa? below average owing to excessive crops in pre­
                   ceding yeais impairing strength of the trees.
                       Price was about 3s. per ICO pounds.
                       The population oC AfohamniCRih is now about 5,600 ; there was again some
                   immigration from Turkish Arabia and also from tlie province of Pars, where
                   there was some scarcity.
                       Health.—In August ftec was an epidemic of influenza, but no
                        Cattle (Iiseasr.—Since tbp end of July there has been much mortality
                   amoDg cattle owing to an epidemic.

                                              Postal Service.
                       The Persian Post Office at Mohammorah was reopened at the  en d of July
                   and a weekly service to Slmskter and the interior instituted. Plus
                   practically useless for correspondence with Great Britain, being liauJe => ,
                   delays, which are avoided by using the Bombay route, there beiug a '
                   mail service from that port.
                                              Bundar Nasri.
                       Building is still going ou at Bundar Nasri; hut trade there was
                   by the embargo on grain.
                       DisfuX cargo.—The S:iab-in-shahi company is making ar an(j ship
                   build a store at Bundar Ariisriah, opposite Bundar Nasri, arm ° ‘ ‘ yornierly
                   car,ro for and from Dlzfml there in connection with caravans,   0ppears
                   canie to Mo'ham-memh, some cargo is already going by this rou ,
                   to have /many aftoutsges over that by Shush ter.
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