Page 432 - PERSIAN 2C 1890_1899_Neat
P. 432

                                               REPORT ON THE PER8IAN GULF POLITICAL

                          Tabb thotcivg the principal articles exported from Ling ah during th
                                                                          * fian 18941895,
                                                ITOi.            IBM.
                         Principal article* and principal                        IBM.
                         countries to wbick at ported.
                                            Quantity,  Value.  Quantity.  Value,  Quantity.

                                                      *                Jt
                       Cattle               2,857 bowl  10,000  8,000 howl  10,800
                         Arab Coui *
                                                                             1.000 brad  MOO
                       Conn                2,4711 cwta.  1.78,000  1,886 cwta.
                         Turkey ,   ,                                 07,000
                         Arab Coaat •                                          McwU.
                         Maakat                                               400 -
                                                                              100 -
                         Per ala □ porta ,
                                                                               80 k
                       Cora ahd Cora son    1,202 cwta.  15,500
                         Arab Coaat .                                         125 cwta.   Woo
                                                                              208 m
                         Peraian porta •                                               Woo
                                                                              167 *    Woo
                       Cottoh Piicwjoom   2,935 bandies  11,62.000  2,760 baudlos  0,70,000
                        White nhirtiugt—
                         Arab Coast •                                         16 6 bandies
                         Persian Coast                                           *
                         Maakat                                       • ••    62 0  »*
                        Grey thirtinyt—                                          m
                         Turkey   .                                           14 ••
                         Arab Coast                                                    WOO
                         Persian porta •                                      26  **  »,000
                                                                              70 »»
                         Maakat                                                       «UX<0
                                                                              10  n    Woo
                        Printed cotton*—
                         Turkey   .
                         Arab C*«»st .                                        40  n   IWOO
                         Persia a porta •                             •H     226  M   15.C00
                         Uaskat                                               63 »> »»  25,000
                        Dyed ahiriinyt—
                         Tor key   .
                         Arab Coast                                          160 9    TO.000
                         Persian porta •                                     200  n   60,000
                         Maskat                                               80  >i n  4,000
                         Turkey •                                                      WOO
                         Arab Coast .                                          4 8  H  2,000
                         Persian ports .                                      19  n »»  WOO
                         Maskat                                               16  w    WOO
                        Bed and Black Twilit                                        i
                         Turkey                                               16       Woo
                         Arab Coast •                                         64  a»  28,000
                         Persian porta .                                     194  9   48.000
                         Maakat                                               56  ft m  28.000
                        Other tort*—
                         Turkey   .                                            6       2,000
                         Arab Coaat .                                  • ••   2F  ft  16,000
                         Peraian porta •                                      62  .■»»  26,000
                         Maakat                                               18       7,000
                       YaEX AWD Tw18I •     1,236 cwts.  44,600  748 cwta.  80,000
                         Arab Coaat •                                         XUO 'Cat*.  4.000
                         Persian porta                                        200 m    8,000
                       Dates               42,000 cwta.  1,05,000  42,000 cwta.  1,05,000
                          Persian porta •                                    8.000 *wla.   £ooo
                          Arab Coast •                                      12.600 *   46.000
                          Turkey   •                                         WOO *     6,000
                       Dxvos AK> Mhdicihbb  2,000 cwta.  25,000  1,680 cwta.  16,800
                        Bom Mt
                          India .                                            1,000 owu.   1*000
                          Turkey .                            4t«             200 „    *400
                          Arab Coaat          • ao                           1,167 w  14,000
                        Other sort*—
                         India .                                              200 »
                         United Kingdom                                       600 M
                         Arab Coaat .                                         740 «e
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