Page 440 - PERSIAN 2C 1890_1899_Neat
P. 440

                     Table 'lowing the principal ariielet   durin9 ih 1894, lQ9St and

                                                             ISM.            ISM.
                      Priatlrsl articles and principal
                      •o an tries Iron which lapoiiM.
                                         QasnlUy.  ▼•Jo*.  Qoiotlty,  Viln  Quantity,
                     Bnots—tonti.                  t               3               *
                      Other ipioH—
                       India .                            —              175 art*.   5.000
                       Persian ports                      •M             105 .     1.000
                    BOOAV, IX)At   •    1,600 cvts.  11,500  1,880 ewU  88JOOO    •••
                       India .   •                                      1,111 arts.   *0,000
                       United Kingdom                             •••    200 „    8,600
                    Suoab, onuiHiD      5,000 ewtn.  75,000  4,000 ewta.  52,000
                       In din  •                                        3,000 cwts.  89,000
                    8o«*m OAHDY          650 cwt*.  18,000  600 cwt s.  10,000
                       India .                                           400 cwt*.  8,000
                    Tiuov  . •       . • GOO ewt*.  14,400  458 cwt*.  11,000
                       Indin                                             875 cxrts.  8,000
                    Tan .                250 cum  14,000  200 cum  12,000
                       India                                            160 cuea  10,400
                    Txmbib ahd Wood               60.000         89,600
                       India ■                                                    26,000
                      Beam* and Bajltrt—
                       India . • • •                                              10,000
                       Zanzibar • • • •                                           6,000
                     Tobacco ahd hakupactubis
                      or                 6,900 cwts.  85,000  7,050 cwta.  90,000
                       Maskat •   •   •                                 3,200 ewts.   80,000
                       Persian ports   .   •                            1,750 n   21,360
                      Cigar* and CigaretU—
                       India «   •   •                                            2,000
                       Turkish Arabia                                             1,000
                     Woodies Goods .    93 bandies  93,000  87 boodlea  85.000  •••
                      Woollen cloak*—
                       Fenian port* •                                             6.000
                       Arab Coast •                                               SjOOO
                      Bread cloth—
                       India ,                                                     5,000
                                                                        5 bandies
                      Oiler iorit—
                       India •                                                    8,000
                                                          IM            8 *
                     Abticdbs sot BPiomra abotb   92,950          91350
                       India .                                                    86,000
                       Persian ports •   •   .                                     9.000
                       Arab Coast ...      •••                                     6,000
                       Maskat .                                                    4.500
                       Turkish Arabia ^ .   .                                      8,000
                       Zanzibar • * •   •                                          1.500
                        India •   •             83,10,000       28,80,000        8,18,000
                        Maakst .                                                  90.000
                        Turkish Arabia                                            80.000
                        Bahrain .   .                                             80,000
                        Arab Coast                                                80.000
                     Total op add astioub .   .
                                                1,1731,620     1,05,68380       72.25360
                      r^lal value qf import* from
                         principal countries.
                        India ....                                              26,6936°
                        Bahrain and Arab Coast .   6538,500     40.64,870
                        Arab Coast              8832,870        38,00,100       88,6*100
                        Persian ports                                            6,69,060
                        Tnrkisb Arabia          20,7*460        22,2*060         239,°®°
                        Maakat ....              8.66,680        *84360          2.00,100
                        Bahrain .   .   .        1,77,660        1,74,900        131*000
                        Zanzibar   .   ,   ,                                      8300
                        United Kingdom ,          17,700          10360          .. 8,000
                                                  6,300           16,000
                                Total                                           72,2636°
                                                1.1731,520     1,05,68,8801
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