Page 458 - PERSIAN 2C 1890_1899_Neat
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                    Table showing the principal articlet imported into Bahrain during the yean 1894,1898
                                             and 1896—concluded.
                                             1WI.            lees.            mo.
                     Principal arlloles and principal
                    countries (rots which Imported.
                                        Quantity.  Value,  Quantity.  Value.  Quantity.  Value.
                                                   K               £                ft
                   Autiolxr xot BMCinnn ahovb     77,040          88,880
                      Turkish Arabia   .   .                                        8.100
                      Pcrainn porta .   ,   .
                      India .                                                       2,800
                   BrEcra .                      10,46,700       17,65,000
                      India .   .                                          Ml     17,62.000
                                                                           • M
                      Pcraian porta .                                              1.38,000
                      TurkUb Arabia                                IM              89,000
                   Total of all abtjclm          77,02,030       69,60,180        81,44,810

                    Total value of imports from
                       principal countries.
                      India .   *   .   ,        47.94.880       46,05,660        40,88.660
                      Turkiah Arabia   ,   .     19.81,610       14,10,730        1G,68,390
                      Pcraian porta  .   .  • •  6.60.300        6.61,040         0,11.270
                      Arab Coast   .   .   .     2,83,290        2.02,180          3,03.490
                      United Kingdom ,   ,                                         1,36,810
                      Maakat .   •   •   .        70.650          78,830           88.360
                      Turkey .   .   .                                             20.360
                      Zanzibar   .   ,   ,        2*2,300         22,750
                      Ncjd .                                                       24.720
                      Franco .   .   .   ,                                           360
                        Total                    77,02,930       69,66,180        81,44,810

                                               TABLE No. 18.
                      Total number and tonnage of vessels of each nation that entered at the port of Bahrain,

                                                  Bailiko.       Stiav.        Total.
                                               Number        Number        Number
                                                 «(    Toni.   of    Ton a.  of    Tons.
                                               vessels.      vessole.      vessels.
                                          1894    25   1,725    77   78,112  102  79,837
                   British                1895    84   2,210    84   82,440  118  84,660
                                         { 1896   25   1,926    83   89,195  113  91,120
                                          1894   285   9,048                 285   9,048
                    Turkish                1896  203   9,394     1   1,600   264  10,694
                                          i 1896  £51  9,583     1   1,200   252   10,783
                                           1894  126   8.580                 126   8,680
                   Persian                ! 1895  162  8,952                 162   8,952
                                          .1896  173   4,162          Ml     178   4,162
                                          1894    17    436                   17    436
                   Maakat                  1896   13    877                   13    877
                                          [ 1896  16    435    • •9           15    435
                                           1894  248   P.240                 243
                    Arab                   1896  270   9.486                 279
                                          i 1806  238  8.016                 238
                                           1894                  1    460      1    460
                   French                  1896
                                          l 1896                             • ••
                                           1894  700   24,029   78   78,662  778  102,601
                                 Total     1896  741   26,410   86   83,040  826  109.360
                                          S 1896  702  24,110   89   90,395  791  114.606

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