Page 577 - PERSIAN 2C 1890_1899_Neat
P. 577
Freights.—Freights to London varied from E18 to E25 per ton. Freights
to Bombay varied from B2-6 to B12-6 per ton.
Fiver.—The Euphrates and Tigris (British) Company’s steamer ran fort-
nightly to Bunder Nasri, and the native company ran to the same place until
the end of Juno when it ceased to run.
Freight from January 1898, Mohammerah to Bunder Nasri about BIO per
ton and to Shush ter about El 8-6 per ton.
Caravan rate.—Caravan rate Bunder Nasri to Ispahan about B26 per load
of 822 lb.
The caravan route to Khoremabad and the north of Persia has been prac
tically closed owing to the lawlessness of the tribes.
Wheat.—Owing to the failure of rain the wheat crop on the lower Karun,
where the wheat for export is grown, was a total failure, and prices rose from
E4-6 to E9 per cwt.
The crops on the upper Karun and Diz rivers were fairly good; but tho
wheat grown there is not suitable for the European market.
Next hurcest.—The prospects for next harvest on the lower Karun
depend entirely on the spring rains; grain has come up well, the winter rain
having been good.
Oil seeds.—The oil seed crop was good and more sesame than usual was
grown owing to the demand in former years for export.
Fates.—The date crop was below the average, it amounted to 5,310 tons
for the district of Mohammerah and the Bali mi shir river and Persian bank of
the Shat-el-Arab. Prices were high, about El-3 per cwt.
Population.—The population of Mohammerah is now about 7,000.
Health.—Small-pox of a mild type was prevalent in June and July, and of
severe type in November and December.
Cattle and sh*ep.— On the Karun there has beeu groat mortality among
sheep and cattle owing to scarcity of fodder, and an unusually cold winter.
Posl office.—The Persian Post Office at Mohammerah and postal service
to Sbushtar was closed od the 30th September; letters to places on the Karun,
sent through the Indian Post Office at Mohammerah, must be sent to the care
of an Agent.
Bunder Nasri.
Bunder Nasri now contains 80 houses and has a ]>opulation of about 30&
Being the centre of the wheat trade, the failure of the crop checked the growth
of this town; but some building is still progressing.