Page 587 - PERSIAN 2C 1890_1899_Neat
P. 587

No. 101 op 1899.

           Fjw x
                   Lieutenant-Colonel M. J. MEADS,
                                Political Resident in the Persian Gulf

                  The SECRETARY to toe GOVERNMENT or INDIA,
                                                        Foreign Department,

                                                      Buoeire, the 3rd July 1899.

              I have the honour to submit the Annual Administration Report of this
           Residency for the year 1898-99, arranged as follows : —
                      Part 1.—General Summary.
                          Appendix A.—Meteorological Tables.

                          „   B.—Dispensary Reports.
                       Part II.—Report on Maskat Affaire.
                          Appendix A.—Dispensary Reports.
                       Part IIL—Trade Report of the Persian Gulf for 1898.
                          Appendix A.—Tabular Statistics.

                       Part IV.—Trade Report for Maskat.
                          Appendix A.—Tabular Statistics.
                       Part V.—Trade Report of Mohammerah.
                          Appendix A.—Tabular Statistics.

                                                      I have tbe honour to be,

                                                    Your most obedient Servant,

                                                       M. J. MEADE,
                                          Political Resident in the Persian Gulf ;
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