Page 623 - PERSIAN 2C 1890_1899_Neat
P. 623


                               MABKAT POLITICAL AGENCY FOB THE YEAR 1898-99.
                  RESIDENCY and
                        total valve of principal article* exported fern the Port of JBushire   during
           Table showing the  the gears 1896, 1897 and 1528—-continued.   ________

                                     1898.           1897.
            ■sssasrs^asussa^                                     Q-amtltj.  ▼aha.
                                Quantity.  V«Ju«.  QnasUtj.  Yaloa.
                                          R .              R              r *

          Datm—                                                            ...
             United Kingdom   •  636 owt*.   1,870  7.144 „   31,505  11,744 owt*.   61,280
             India •   . •  •  9,333 „    32,816  1,382 „  6.016  249 .    1,810
             Egvpt .   •        686       2,169                   91 „      480
             Peiaian Potto  •   •  •••    • ••            „<
          Decob abd Midioikbs—                   644 cuts.   20.013  690«wta.   16,110
             India   •   •   •  661 cwts.  18,313  17 »     •102  98 „     2,210
             Turkey  •   •   •   62  r»   1,037  23 „       3f4
             Egypt   .           10 ;      3c 6  .72 „     1,900  62* cwts.  660
             lies l* at  •   •   •                          20-4
             Bahrein  •   •   •  35 Ctrl*.   969  10 *           117 cuts   j 1,270
             Persian Port* •   •  SO „     849    8 *       210  {  4 CiSOD
          Dykiko abd Colobino Ma7E-
             United Kingdom • •   1 cwt.   119    5 cwts.   320    1 cwt.    150
                                                  2 „
             India       • •    163 owts.   3,635  441 „   4,112  545 cuts.  6,270
             Turkey  .   •   •   •  656 „  7,628                   1 cwt.    40
             Euypt   •   •   •   •                               250 cwts.   1,900
             Bahrein  •   •   •   •  225 cwts.   1,603  251 cvrts.   2.216  67 „  840
             Persian Ports •   •  184 „    CSO   143 „      C03
          Fscits asd Vegetables—
           A'mondt—                                             2,714 cwts.  34,860
             India •   •   •   •  5,750 cwt«.  52,410  3,290 cwts.  37,420  5 *  70
             Musk at •   •   •                                     3 „       40
             Persian Ports •   •   •  11 cwt*.  135
           Almond kernel*—
             United Kingdom  •   •  417 cwts.   14.790  309 cwts.   11,526  120 cwts.   6,710
             India .   •   .   2,317      61,112  1,342 »  60,092  3,811 „  1,81,420
             Turkey •   •   •                                     11 „
          Other torts of Fruit* and
             United Kingdom   .   .  1,107 cwts.  23,630  16 ewts.   272
             India •   •   •    505 „     6,287  4S5 .     4,169  2,118 cwt*.  21,510
             Germany   •   •      6 „       50
             Turkey   .   •     191 „     1,122  455 cwts.  2,815  163 cwt*.  980
             Egypt .              6         85                               300
             Zanzibar   •   •    10 „       85                    60 cwt*.
             Mask at •   .   •   13 „      187    3 cwt*.    15   49 .       340
             Bahrein .   •   •   •  6S3 „   4.300  628 »   3,827  U50 „    11,600
             Persian Ports .   •  186 „   3,400  33 „        80   »4 „       670
          Gbaif abd Pcui—
             United Kingdom •  7,042 owt*.   26,588  • I*  • ••    • ••
             11 ask at .   .   •  1,639 „   6,866  •Ac
             Persian Ports •    167        714    •is             12 cwt*.   .60
             Bahrein .   ,        • ••           60 owt*.   200
             Persian Ports .                      • ••    •••    933 cwt*.  .3,800
             India •   ,     ••  42 cwta.  426   66 owt*.   652    6 cwt*.    60
             Turkey .            36 „      340   16 „       150    3 „        30
             Maskat .   .                        726 „     7,260
             Persian Ports •     90 cwts.  901    « H        15
   618   619   620   621   622   623   624   625   626   627   628