Page 650 - PERSIAN 2C 1890_1899_Neat
P. 650

66        administration, report on thr Persian <?.ulp pqlwkoa*.

                  «** “■ *«** **.

                                            im.             leer.           im.
                    PHndpsl aHlcln »nd principal
                    eoootriM Iron which Imported.
                                       Qautitj.  Valoa.  Quantity.  Tala*.  QaanlHj.
                                                  a               *
                  Wool*» Goods—conti.
                   Bread Cloth end Other
                     Woolen JPiect-goode—
                          *   v          6 bdJa,  9jOQO  6 MU    5.000
                   Pertian Cloalt {Abbot)—"
                     Arab Coast ^   V    3 MU    3,000  6MU      9,000
                     Persian l’orts •   •  9 M   6,000                            600
                                                                        • H
                   Other nanefaetyree <f
                     Wool —»
                     India •   •   •     8 bdla.  8400
                     India •   •               2,15,000       20.60.000
                     Turkey •   •               50.000          70.00" i       16,50,"05
                     Mask at- •   ,             9<’,0'A)        80,000          4c ,000
                     Bahrein                    30.000          10,000          65.000
                     Aj ab Coast   «            30,ICO          SO.uOO           8,000
                  AsTICLBI XQtf SPECIFIED.
                     India .   .                35,000          25,000
                     Turkey •   •                3,0»                           18,010
                     Maskat   v                  4.C0O           3.C00           •J.uOO
                     Zanzibar   •                1,530  • M      4,000  • ••     3,100
                     Bahrein .   .                               2,000           l.GOO
                     Arab Coast   •              5,030           2.00U           l.G-O
                     Persian Ports  •                            60 0    • ••    3,.*00
                                                 9,i.nO          7,500           3,600
                  TOTAL OF ALL ARTICLES
                                              72,25,300       93,19,970
                  Tout vitrx of ikposts fboh
                    paisciPAt cooaiBixs—
                     United Kingdom .            S.fiOO
                     India                     26.-58 550        9,350  •M       6,560
                     Turkey .                  2,59,05*)      46,00,250        69 44,*90
                     Maskat .                                  4.05,400        2 8i’,250
                     Zanzibar                  2,08,1 iK)      2,27.450        1,47,250
                     Bahrein .                   8,'.'00        11600           13,600
                     Arab Coast                1,81 /KX)       1,48,760         85,400
                     Peisisn Porta             33.5i.10j      32,83.760        33,30.760
                                                               6,33,520        8,44 830
                                      :       ,7235,360  !    , 93.19,970     1.03,99.640
   645   646   647   648   649   650   651   652   653   654   655