Page 688 - PERSIAN 2C 1890_1899_Neat
P. 688


                                              TABLE No. M.

                     Ahtrael table showing the total value of principal article* imported into all the Porta
                           specified in the Persian Oulf during the years 1896,189?, and 1898.

                                             ISM.            IBM.            IBM.
                    Prindr*! article* tod prlscls*]
                     eopntile* to which «iported.
                                       Quantity,  Tslu*.  Quantity.  Tala*,.  Quantity,  ▼•Jm.
                                                  R               B               R
                  Ann mils—
                     Turkcj •   •  •             10,820          1A510
                     H&skit .   ,  ■              8,800  IN       6,760  Ml       H850
                     Arab Coast   «  •   •••      8,140  000      6,410           1.000
                                         • M
                     Nejd .                       8,430                           1,660
                     Persian Porta •••   M#        760   ft*             MS      00*
                                         •M                      11,760          1A220
                  Ami's l, Wbasibo—
                     United Kingdom              19,800          28,500  •••
                     India •   •                 8:-, 200        87,050          12.380
                     Francs »   •  .              2,200            300            S3,450
                     Austria .   •                       00      •••              4,930
                     China .   .                                 • ••    • M       soo
                     Mast at .   •       Ml      12,000           8,050  •M        400
                     Persian Porta                                       •M       1.950
                                                  L250            3.SC0           2,130
                  Allis wt> AuinnrmoB—
                     United Kingdom •          10,70,825       21,65,100
                     India •   •   •             14.S-15         2>,180  Ml      Ml
                     France •   • * •           9,00.825         20,310           4,400
                     Turkey .                    27,000  • ••      100
                     Egft:                      2^02,375        1,20.000
                     Bahrein                     67,745         2,07,780         61,380
                     Persian Ports                              1,87,«D          20,COO
                                                 63.4S0          8o,3C0
                                                         •M                      18,250
                  Books akd Peisied' Mattbb—
                     United Kingdom •            32.100
                     India •   .   ,     Ml      69,600  IM      35,250   Ml     12,400
                     France •   •   ,    Ml                      64.850   Ml     72,160
                     Germany   • ’  •             1,600           3,tOO  Ml        400
                     Austria .   . '  .  Ml      • M     • M       200   IM       4,000
                     Turkey .   •   .            • •• 3,600      Ml      • M       GOO
                     Egypt .   • '  .    •••                       700             300
                     Persian Ports ,   .                          8,0u0           8.000
                                                                  3,COO  ••0      3,630
                   BEILDIBG MaTBEULS—
                     India .   ,   ,
                     Turkey .   . '  .   0M       1,950           2,300  • 00     2,060
                     Zanzibar   •   ,                             6,800  000      6.660
                     Persian Ports .   .  000    16.000                  §00     •00
                                         000     10,250          10,950          23,120
                      United Kingdom •
                     India •   .   ,     •00     84.743  • M     66,780   000     6,770
                     Belgium   •   ,             20.138  000     It),430         16,910
                     Persian Ports •             49,480          12,W0   000     000
                                         000      1.500           2,4u0           2,260
                   Cabtas (cocstet)—
                     India .
                      Bahrien                    •••              3,060
                      Persian Ports •    000      6,000          6,000   000      6,600
                                                         000     40.000          66,000
                     Turkey .   .
                      Persian Ports •             2,070  000      1,810           1,950
                                         000    1,11.760
                                                         000    1(19,340  000   1,17,460
                      United Kingdom •
                     India .   ,                                                  2,680
                     Persian Ports •   ,        6.45,840        6,60,220  • 00  6.63,640
                                         • 00   2,00,000
                                                                2,25,860  • 00  2,10,680
                   Coil AID COIVIOPI—
                     India .
                     Turkej .                    90,100          88,866  • ••    86,710
                     Zanzibar .          IM                        140
                     Persian Ports •              3,670  • 00    2,470           **i,990
                                         00#     20,000
                                                        •00      16,000  000     16,000
   683   684   685   686   687   688   689   690   691   692   693