Page 196 - Dilmun 27
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Chif Editor
                                      Dr. Essa Amin

DILMUN                                           27

       No. 27 – July 2020                   Editorial Director
Bi annual magazine of                     Eid Humood Al Qahtani
Bahrain Historical & Archaeol-        Editorical Board Members
goical society
Print and illustrates studies and               Khalid Al Sindi
reserches of Kingodom of Bah-                    Secretary
rain and Arabian Gulf
                                            Hussain Ali Zuwayed
 The authors are legally respon-                Proof Reader
 sible for their written articles
                                          Dr. Hussain Ahmed Salman
Chief Editor                              Design & Production
Dilmun Magazine                                 Moosa Hassan
Bahrain Historical & Archaeologi-
cal Soceity                            The Front Cover page
Tel: 17727895
Fax: 17729059                           His Highness Sh.Hamad Bin Isa Al Khalifa,
P. O. Box: 5087                         with Sh. Ahmed Bin Hamad Al Khalifa on
Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain              the right, and Sh. Duaij Bin Hamad Al Khal-
E:mail:        ifa on the left, London 1936	
Website Library: https://bahrainhis-   The Back Cover page
International no (ISSN2535-9460)        The Visit of His Highness Sh.Hamad Bin
Distributor                             Isa Al Khalifa to Scotland, 1936	
Al Ayam Establishment
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