Page 13 - DILMUN NO 6
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One of the persistent legends of Western   Syria and Asia Minor, and only a largely acci­
       historiography is that Europeans were the first   dental repulse by superior forces at “Ain
       to conceive of a history of the world as distinct   Jalut” (‘Goliath’s Spring’) in Palestine in 1260
       from histories of particular states and nations.   prevented a Mongol conquest of Egypt. From
       Herodotus wrote about Persians and Egyptians    China, which was totally subjugated by Kubilai
       and Scythians as well as about Greeks; Polybius   Khan in 1279, their columns spread into Burma,
       surveyed the past of the Mediterranean world    Thailand and Vietnam, and in the harbours of
       when it had been unified politically by the arms   China and Korea they constructed fleets which
       of Rome; and then, afftcr long centuries, a     they launched (unsuccessfully, as it turned out:
       global view embracing distant China was         they were not in their element on sea) against
       attained in the age of the Enlightenment by     Island kingdoms as for apart as Java and Japan
       men like Voltaire and Gibbon. Yet however       No wonder the Great Khan saw himself as the
       close these writers might come to the idea of   representative of God on earth, with a divine
       world history, what the wrote was Europe - or   commission to conquer the whole world.
       Mediterranean - centred history, a limitation        The Mongols started out as illiterate
       not surprising in view of the fact that Europe   barbarians. Genghis Khan could neither read
       was so long the focus of world power. When      nor write- but he knew the value of these
       towards the end of the age of European          accomplishments, and he recruited clerks,
       dominance. H. G. Wells wrote his famous Out­    administrators and political advisers from more
        line of History (1920), the greater part of his   educated peoples and employed them to run his
        book was filled with the doings of European    empire. He also had the Mongol language for
       peoples, and his vision of a world State was of   the first time reduced to writing in an alphabet
       one in which European institutions and Western   borrowed from the Uighurs, a Turkish people
       liberal ideas had been universalized.           who were part-Christian. In Persia, as in other
            But there had been a time when Asia, not   civilized lands, the Mongols inflicted dreadful
        Europe, was the centre of world power, and     wounds; whole cities were left heaps of rubble
        though this period was brief, it left its mark   there were ferocious massacres of townsmen
        on historiography and, indeed, produced the    and peasants alike, irrigation systems were
        first historian whose treatment of the past can   destroyed, and vast areas of farmland went out
        be called genuinely global in scope. His name   of cultivation. But the storm passed and a new
                                                       generation of Mongol leaders arose who saw
        was Rashid al-Din Fadl-Allah. and he was a
        Persian civil servant who lived from 1247 tc   there was no profit in governing a ruined and
        1318; but the Western world has scarcely heard   starving country. Moreover, by 1260 the
                                                       Mongol Empire was no longer a political unity;
        of him.
                                                       several autonomous kingdoms had emerged
            Rashid al-Din’s career fell in the midst of
                                                       which ran their own affairs, while admitting a
        the great convulsion brought about by the
        conquests of Genghis Khan and his successors.   vague suzerainty on the part of the Great
                                                       Khan, who was by then the Conqueror’s grand-
        The Mongol horsemen not only swept across
        the vast Eurasian steppes from Manuchuria to   son  Kubilai Khan, reigning in Peking. The
        the Ukraine, they broke^ into populated,        Mongol ruler in Persia bore the title of 11-Khan,
       urbanized lands such as China, Persia,           “subordinate Khan”, the Turkish word il mean­
        and Russia and here they set up org­            ing dependent or submissive. These local Khans
                                                        had more limited responsibilities and were
        anized governments which lasted for
                                                        anxious to make their kingdoms productive and
        many years. The range of their activites
        was indee d world-wide. From Russia they        profitable. To reconstruct the shattered fabric
        pushed into Poland and Hungary, and only the    of the state, they were obliged to call in trained
                                                        native administrators and give them very
        Great Khan’s death impelled them to withdraw
       undefeated, when they were posed for an assault   largely a free hand. • In Persia these reforms
        on Germany and Italy. From Persia they          began on the accession of the Khan Ghazan in
        threatened India, thrust westwards into Iraq.
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