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ACTIVITIES FOR THE FIRST HALF OF 1974.        April 26tli :
                                                           Mr. Abdulaziz Fakhroo of the Antiquities
        January 18th                                  Department of the Bahrain Government took 70
             Mr John Clingly gave a conducted tour of   persons on a conducted tour of the Bahrain
        the Qanats to 100 members and guests. The     Fort and Barbar Temple.
        Qanats are underground water channels.
                                                      May 10th :
        January 30th                                       35 persons went on a successful dhow trip.
            70 persons were present at the British
                                                       May 17th :
        Council for the Annual General Meeting. This
                                                           Dr. Abdul Latif Kanoo gave a conducted
        was followed by a film “Windows on the Past”.
                                                       tour of the Old Palace of Sakhir to 90 members
                                                       and guests. H. M. The Amir himself gave his
        February 6th
                                                       permission for the tour to take place.
             Dr. Tony McNicoll gave a talk to 100
        people on his recent excavations in Bahrain at   May 24th :
        the British Council.                               80 people went on another day trip to the
                                                       South of the Island.
        February 16th
             A panel made up of Mr John Clingly, Rev.   May 28th :
        Father Barth Kestell, Mr. Abdulaziz Fakhro         The Jordanian Embassy kindly lent the
        and Mr, Jalil Al-Samaji (a geologist) answered   Society a film “Thunder of Silence”, a historical
        questions put to them of an audience of 50.    travalogue of Jordan. Also shown was the
                                                       repeat of “ The Wolves ”, a film of the British
        March 5th» 12th and 19th
                                                       Museum’s collection of Assyrian reliefs. Both
             Three repeat performances at St. Bar­
                                                       films were shown at the Delmon Hotel and 80
        tholomew’s Social Hall of the following
                                                       persons were present.
             “ Bahrain’s Antiquities by Helicopter ”.
        A slide show presented by Father Barth. 45
        persons attended.                              June 8th :
             100 members and guests attended “ The         Mrs. Marny Golding gave a talk and slide
        Flame of Persia A film provided by the         show to 33 persons of Dr. Abdullah Hassan
        Iranian Embassy of the 2,500 anniversary of the   Masry’s “ Expedition to the Ubaid Site of Saudi
        founding of the Persian Empire.                Arabia ”, at the British Council.
             60 members and guests saw the slide show
        presented by John Clingly on the “ Natural     June 12th :
        History of the Howar Islands ”. This film was     Two films were* shown at the Delmon Hotel
        brought up to date and a new flint site was    to 70 .members and guests. These were the
        reported on.                                   B. B. C.’s Chronicle series “Was this the Garden
                                                       of Eden”, and “ Stonehenge This film
        March 30th :                                   attempts to answer the four questions : when
             120 members and guests attended the       was Stonehenge built ; how was it built ; who
        Annual Dinner and Dance.      Dr. Abdullah     built and what was its purpose.
        Hassan Masri, Director of Antiquities of the
        Ministry of Education of Saudi Arabia was the   June 25th :
        Society’s Guest Speaker, and was followed by        In collaberation with the Royal Society of
        dancing.                                       St. George, two films were shown at the Rafa
                                                       Club to an audience of over 90.  “ Nile the
        April 12th                                     Creater ” and “ The Golden Crescent ” both
            A day trip to the south of the Island which   films were travalogues of Egypt and Turkey.
        130 members and guests participated.                The Society closes down for the summer.

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