Page 3 - DILMUN NO 6
P. 3
His Highness Shaikh Isa bin Sulman A1 - Khalifa
Amir of the State of Bahrain.
Members have also showed considerable
Editorial interest in taking an active part in the work of
the Society. Many have volunteered to help
with the dig planned for the Autumn by the
Director of Antiquities. Mr. Abdul Kader
Al-Takriti, whilst the project for the photo
graphing and maintenance of ancient buildings,
which is now getting under way, is also
receiving considerable support from members.
The Committee of the Society would like
The early part of .tne year 1974 has seen to thank the Ministry of Information for making
a considerable growth in the membership of the possible the production of this bi-annual
Society, being 100% up on the previous year. magazine. It would also like to thank R.T.V.
Bahraini nationals account for a significant Bahrain, the Gulf Weekly Mirror and Falcon
proportions of this increase, indicating a grow Cinefoto for the help that they have given the
ing awareness of and interest in the archaeology Society in the past and look forward to their
and history of our islands. continued support in the future.
Editor Marguerite G. Coady
President Mr. Mohamed Eshaq.
1. One of the Dilmun Seals found in Bahrain in
Vice President Mr. Khaled Zayani. the 1950’s. These seals were used in Bahrain by
traders 4,000 years ago.
Secretary Mrs. Marguerite Coady. The Bull’s Head found at the Temple of Barbar
Treasurer Mr. Ahmed Fakhri. in Bahrain, dates from about 2.500 B.C.
3. The stone with a cuneiform, found in Bahrain
in the 19th Century, tells of “the servant of the
Honorary Members. god Inzak”. is known from the Babylonian
H. E. Shaikh Abdulaziz Mohamed Al-Khalifa. god-lists as the principal god of Dilmun. “Place
•*» of Rimum, servant of the god Inzak, of the
tribe of Aqarum.”
Sir Mortiner Wheeler C.H., K.T., C.I.E., M.C.
The Qibla Stone from the Suq A1 - Kamis
r Mosque, indicates the direction of prayer.
Mr. Thomas Geoffrey Bibby.
Suq Al-Khamis is the oldest existing Moslem
building in Bahrain and dates from the 11th
Mr. Frederick Day. -century.