Page 384 - UAE Truncal States_Neat
P. 384

The Formation of the Federation

        few months of (he new era were all observed with great interest and
        Oman was assured of Abu Dhabi's readiness to help.03 Oman’s new
        Prime Minister, Tariq bin Taimur, declared on 20 October 1970 that
        Oman would not join the federation at present although it might be
        prepared to form an association with some of the Emirates at a later

        The last resort

        Saudi-Kuwaiti mediation efforts
        By the end of 1970 prospects for a workable federation of the nine
        were less encouraging than ever, although many of the operational
        details had already been agreed. Persistent though polite acrimonies
        continued to be exchanged between Qatar and Bahrain, the former
        being given as much as ever to lengthy explanations of its views in
        memoranda and letters.01
          In January 1971 a delegation, headed by Prince Nawaf of Saudi
        Arabia and the Kuwaiti Foreign Minister Shaikh Sabah Ahmad al
        Jabir Al Sabah, went to Bahrain and then to the other Emirates with
        proposals to resolve the stalemate over seven points. Four of them
        had already been agreed in October 1969 but had subsequently been
        raised again by Bahrain; they were the representation in the Union
        Council, the site of the permanent capital, the method of voting in the
        Supreme Council of Rulers, and the members’ contributions to the
        Union budget. Three new subjects, about which disagreement had
        arisen since then, were the role of the Emirates’ local armed forces,
        legislation concerning air traffic, and the membership of individual
        Emirates in international organisations such as OPEC.
          During the course of January the nine Emirates communicated
        their views on the Saudi-Kuwaiti proposals. Qatar did not wish to re­
        open discussion on matters already agreed. It also concurred with
        the Saudi-Kuwaiti proposals for the three other subjects at the same
        time, insisting that the sentence "the regulation and the exploitation
        of natural resources” should be deleted from the list of matters over
        which the Union should have exclusive powers of legislation.85
 -        After the comments and criticism of the other emirates were
        received the joint Saudi-Kuwait delegation prepared new pro­
        posals:86 1. To return to the original text of the draft constitution
        allocating four seats to each Stale in the Union Council. 2. To decide
        on the permanent capital when the permanent constitution had been

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