Page 7 - UAE Truncal States_Neat
P. 7

Table of Contents

                 Chapter Four: The Islamic Basis of Society              12(5
                 1  The Islamisation of the area                         126
                      Religions in the area before Islam                 126
                      Accepting Islam                                    127

                 2  Influence of the Ibadis1 struggles against the
                    Caliphate                                            130

                 3  The religious communities in Trucial Oman at the
                    turn of the twentieth century                        132
                      Muslims and other communities                      132
                      The unifying force of Islam in this society        134
                 4  The Muslim system of life on this coast during
                    the first half of the twentieth century              136
                      In and around the mosques                          136
                          The mosque                                     136
                          Religious theory and practice                  138
                          “Superstitions"                                139
                          Art in religion                                140
                          Burials                                        141
                          Pilgrimage (Ha;/)                              141
                          Conclusion                                     143
                       Religion and family life                          143
                          The Ha rim                                     143
                          Marriage and divorce                           145
                          Polygamy                                       148
                          The social role of women                       149
                          Men's social rating                            150
                          Other members of the household, servants and slaves   151
                          Local Muslims at home                          153

                       Education                                         154
                          Within the family                              154
                          Formal education                               155
                       The role of Sharfah                               156
                          Sharfah as a guide for the local Muslim's way of life   156
                          Sharfah as a source of law for formal jurisdiction  157
                       Zakah                                             161
                 5 Conclusion: the tribal system of the Trucial States
                     and Islam                                           162
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