Page 114 - Records of Bahrain (1) (i)_Neat
P. 114

104                        Records oj Bahrain

                   290                          DAIIIUSIN.


                      I.—Predominant tribe, a branch of the Ultoobccs, originally
                     Nmne, Title, and Age of   from Koweit. Patronymic of the ruling family,
                   Chief.                A1 Kluilccfa.
                      Mahomed bin Khalccfa bin Salman bin Ahmed bin Khalccfa, Chief
                   of Bahrein ; ago forty-one years. This chief and his immediate relatives
                   or clan arc commonly designated A1 Sulman, from their common
                   grandfather, to distinguish them from the rival branch of the family,
                   now called Ai Abdoolla.
                      II.—Chief’s sons :—Khalccfa bin Mahomed      age eighteen years ;
                                         Abdoolla, age thirteen years ; Ahmed, age eleven
                     Names and Ages of Legi­
                    timate Male Issue.   years.
                      III. (A.)—Ali bin Khalccfa, brother of Chief, age forty years :
                     Principal Persons of the   exercises a considerable share of the government
                    Court. •             of the island.
                      Sons of preceding:—Abdoolla bin Ali, age fourteen years ; Ibrahim,
                    age eleven ycavs.
                      Rashid bin Khalcefa, uterine brother of chief, age forty-seven years:
                    of inferior capacity and influence ; holds a subordinate position.
                      Mahomed bin Sulman, uncle of chief, age forty-five years.
                      Humood bin Sulman, brother of preceding, age thirty-five years.
                     Influential and trusted   III. (B.)—Mubaruk bin Khalccfa Al Fazil, age
                    Dependents of Chief.  sixty-five years.
                      ITumood bin Mahomed, age forty years. «■
                      Abdool Wahab bin Abdoolla Al Khalccfa, age fifty years; Khalccfa
                    bin Mahomed bin Abdoolla, age forty-five years; Khalccfa bin Mahomed
                    bin Ali, age fifty-five years; Ahmed, brother of preceding, age fifty
                    years. These dependents reside in Guttur.
                      III. (C.)—Ilassan bin Abdoolla bin Ahmed Al Khalcefa, son of the
                     Rival Branch, Al Kha-   late cx-Chicf of Bahrein, age forty-nine years;
                    lccfa Al Abdoolla.   Rashid, brother of preceding, age twenty years ;
                    Humccd, ditto, age sixteen years. These three individuals reside at
                    Bahrein, subsisting upon a pittance allowed them by the clc facto
                      Mahomed bin Abdoolla bin Ahmed Al Khalccfa, son of the late
                    ex-chief, age thirty-seven years; eldest son Khalccfa, age sixteen years.
                    Has two other sons, respectively twelve and eleven years of age;
                      Ahmed, brother of preceding, age thirty-eight years ; eldest son,
                    Sulman, age eighteen years.
                      Ali, ditto ditto, of inferior birth on mother’s side, age fifty-three
                   .years ; eldest son, Hussein, age fifteen years.
                      Sulman bin Ahmed bin Sulman, scccdcr from the party of the dc
                    facto chief; age thirty-five years.
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