Page 179 - Records of Bahrain (1) (i)_Neat
P. 179
The second Gulf Survey, 1857-1860 169
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Art. VII:—Memoir on Bahrcyn. By Lieutenant It. W. Wiiisii, .
[Head before the Society/November 21st, 18G1.] • •V:
In presenting the accompanying copy of a “ Survey of Bahrcyn
Harbour, ancl the Khaur-cl-Bab,” it would seem advisable to describe
the circumstances under which it was conducted, with n view of account
ing for its apparent incompleteness and unfinished state. •
I would therefore bring to notice that it was conducted whilst
stationed in *11.M’s. Steamer Maid, I.N., to cruize between Bahrcyn
and Domain, to watch the movements of the Chiefs of those places ; and
to report any acts of aggression on cither side. In carrying out this duty
I had an opportunity of examining a channel called the Khaur-cl-Bab,
between the FnsJit-cl-Yarrom and the Khaur-fasht, as also of testing the
correctness of the present chart of Bahrcyn, as supplied to the vessels
on the station. '•
This channel, the Khaur-cl-Bab, it would appear from Lieutenant
Constable’s report, published in 185G, was known to the surveyors of
the Gulf, as also to the officers of the squadron some years since ; but
no record of it appears, nor is it recognised, or exhibited in the existing
chart of Bahrcyn Harbour; the Fasht-cl-Yarrom! being made to con
nect with the shore <f dry at low water.”
The passage through the Khaur-cl-Bab, now proved to be available
for navigation from the fact of ILM.’s Steamer.Semiramis,' I.N-, with
the vessels of the Persian Gulf Squadron in tow, having passed through
in 1859, had been, as; yet, withheld froim the use of the Government
vessels, I understand, by the jealousy of the Sheykh of Bahrcyn, who
1 had directed the pilots to report it unsafe and impracticable. It is of
considerable importance, however, lying as it docs, in a direct line between
Bahrcyn and Katifif, between which places there is constant traffic ; and
it is available in all weathers, and at all seasons of the year. I have
beat through agaiiist strong north winds under reduced sail in II.M.’s