Page 194 - Records of Bahrain (1) (i)_Neat
P. 194
184 Records of Bahrain
mark for the entrance of which, is Sayeh islet, E. by S. £ S., or in one
with the south end of Bisetin village. This Khor runs to south-eastward
to Mali a rag town, but is very shoal, having in some parts only 3 or 4 feet at
low water.
On the same bearing of Sayeh, there is a 9 foot patch, miles from
Bisetin ; and from this, the edge of the foul ground runs about south to
Ras Zarwan. The minarets in one with Jebel Dukhan, lead S00 yards
clear to the westward of this danger.
The anchorage for large ships, would be just to south-westward of this
patch, in 4 fathoms, with Sayeh on with Bisetin clump ; and the minarets
seen between Jebel Dukhan and Rufa’h fort,
ras zarwan is the west point of the reef, which forms the north
side of the inner anchorage ; its outer tip is li miles N.W. by N. from
Manaraeh (Sheikh’s house). When off the pitch, Sayeh is just touching
the north-west extreme of Maharag island. The great body of the reef
at this point shows well, but the extreme outer patch, which is detached,
and has a little more water on it, is not so clearly seen. There are
3 to fathoms at low water, in this part of the harbour, which is only
half a mile broad. The inner anchorage is round this point, in 2| to 3
fathoms, just outside the native vessels, rather more than a mile off shore ;
with a little minaret just open to the left of the Sheikh’s house. The
edge of the reef runs from Zarwan to S. E. by E. for l£ miles, forming
the north side of the inner harbour, which shoals regularly towards the
town. The anchorage is close over to the Zarwan side ; the southern
part of the bay towards Nayim, and the Portuguese fort, being shoal.
The whole outer harbour, or belt of deep water between the reefs, is
called Salei'sel. The bottom is mud and sand, in the inner anchorage,
good holding ground ; in the outer part, sand and shells. South of a line
drawn W. by S. from Maharag north date grove (Reyah), the depths are
under three fathoms. N.W. of Ras KhaseTfeh, the greatest depth is 4
fathoms : to the southward of this line, the soundings are from 5 to 7
fathoms, shoaling to 3 and 4 close to the reefs, but in places, 7 fathoms
are found very near the reefs. Outside that line, in the entrance of the
harbour, the soundings are 4 to 5 fathoms.
, rusHT a7* yArem, the extensive reef forming the shelter to the
harbour against the shemul, is only partially explored ; its extent in a
north-west and north direction, is not satisfactorily determined : the outline
delineated on Cnpt. Brucks’ chart is only approximate, it is probably
10 miles broad, by loin length north and south. Its north-east point,
called Ras Shaghab, is the chief danger to be avoided in making the place,
as it is out of sight of land j it is l(j miles N. \ W. ,from Reyah date