Page 46 - 2 Persian Trade rep Bahrain 2_Neat
P. 46

                                                       -J j..r • -hi from 5 per ecu’ at which it formerly
                                                           K\|*«irt «luty of Ha. 10 jht bundle of hid-*
                The to*a! value («: exports :<*r the .v.r.ounwd   ii.d R>. 2 |n*r basket of dates is charged. The
              to       »li ns against £1.UV120 in lt*2*»-27.  1’iistnii;* vi.irk is carried on by a European Director
              ‘•Innying a ile-rease of £l0l,3&* or 1M per (••■lit.  of Vuslvii.> under the orders of 15io Htiler of Bahrein.
                The] trade dm.innted the continental situa-
              li«m, The f« -Mowing table show* the movui.ents of   Enquiries regarding: Trade.
              general uti-nliundis* as compared with p<.irls and
              sjrccies                                 The Political Agent, Bahrein, who is in £\iQ
                                                     touch wirh the local and mainland affairs, wiJFoe
                                                     jhid to answer any enquiries n-garding trade from
                                                     rtmrcfiant- in the l"titled Kingdom through the
                                                     • Intelligence Branch of the Board of
                              i    _ tea! "I   n» r.!   Trade. Knqujti-s from India should be niad«* through
                  V- j*       • IVail. j  iii> r*  :he 1 )ir-i*or General of Commercial Intelligence at
                              .                      Calcutta. Time would probably be saved by
                                                     addressic the latter official din-et, as information
                            £ I £    £     1    £    ok most ordinary matters is available in Isis record.
              i>rs2T      U'.».S7« , 15.17i' j IM>IC  1.112 Tie
              t?27.2i     555.•!>*.» 1 11.1 To , ,V-...2'-9 1.159.912  2.iCf>.lfl  Shipping.
              P.pvni#;* of !*.•   -i**J J  —T i-  -17-1  a:  - « !>
               IM*’ Ml Cr* r- a—.                     Thor* i> a regular weekly mail.service from India
                              I    1 I               and bi-we-kly to India. As reported previously,
                                                     owing to the abolition of the British Post Office
                            Exports.                   Bu'hir-. the practice of s-ndihg mails to India
                                                     by upstr.iiner< •'•a Bushin* has- ceased. Thus the
                                    i.*ii «.f  r -*  number r»1 mails to India reduced from G to 2. This
                  V-1T              !:,:J  Hi-: (.»:•  l>jor..  somewha- adversely affects the commercial com­
                            £   £    1    £     £             General Remarks.
              «92'-27     201.2*1 ici>«    z:>  1.115 129   Motor roads suitable for light cars exist nearly
              ;**2:-2*    J 97.*15 ’ 150,919 ii* TM •A’  1,«1«,"!1   all ov*r the Islands. There are about 2».*i motor
              fr+u\*t+ <14 In-   —Tt-3 , —f-5  — 2V5  -i-i  —9-1  cars of various makes and motor cars are available
               •ini' or*K>*T«k*>.
                                                     on hin. Motor boats ply regularly between Bahrein
                                                     and Q:t.a - on :L- uuiulaiiu /:.d also run between
                                                     Bahrei i a id Qatif.
                The tariff is fixed by treaty a: T, j er cent cd valorem
              •jl all imports. It J une 1920 on tic advice of the
              Government of India the tax on goods landed at        (Sd.) C. C*. J. BARRETT,
              Bahrein in transit for the mair-land was reduced           Political Ayeat, Bahrein.


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