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         "Excavating a Bahrein citadel of 5000 years ago; and seal links with Ur and
         Mohonjo-Daro" in The Illustrated London News. 232, No. 6188, 11 January
         1958, pp. 54-55.

         BIBBY, T.G.
         Four Thousand Years Ago: A Panorama of Life in the Second Millennium B.C..
         William Collins and Sons, London, 1961; reprinted Readers Union-Collins,
         London, 1964, 398 pp.

         BIBBY, T.G.
         "Dilmun and Makan? - The Danish archaeological expeditions to the Persian
         Gulf 1953-1960" in Works of the 25th International Congress of Orientalists
         Moscow 9-16 August 1960. Vol. 1 (General Part- Meetings of Sections 1-5),
         Oriental Literature Publishers, Moscow, 1962, pp. 190-191.

         BIBBY, T.G.
         "Arabiens arkaeologi; Dansk arkaeologisk ekspeditions 8, kampagne, 1961/62;
         Dansk arkaeologisk ekspeditions 9, kampagne, 1962/63" ("Arabian Gulf
         archaeology; the eighth campaign of the Danish Archaeological Expedition
         1961/62; the ninth campaign of the Danish Archaeological Expedition
         1962/63"), (in Danish with summary in English), Kuml 1964. 1965, pp. 86-101
         Danish, pp. 101-111 English.

         BIBBY, T.G.
         "Arabiens arkaeologi; Dansk arkaeologisk ekspeditions 10, kampagne, 1964"
         ("Arabian Gulf archaeology; the tenth campaign of the Danish Archaeological
         Expedition 1964"), (in Danish with summary in English), Kuml 1965. 1966,
         pp. 133-144 Danish, pp. 144-152 English.

         BIBBY, T.G.
         "Arabiens arkaeologi; Dansk arkaeologisk ekspeditions 11, kampagne, 1965"
         ("Arabian Gulf archaeology; the eleventh campaign of the Danish
         Archaeological Expedition 1965"), (in Danish with summary in English), Kuml
         1966. 1967, pp. 75-90 Danish, pp. 90-95 English.

         BIBBY, T.G.
         Looking for Dilmun. Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 1969; Collins, London, 1970;
         Pelican Books, London, 1972, 410 pp.; reprinted 1980.

         BIBBY, T.G.
         "Looking for Dilmun", Horizon. Vol. 11, No. 4, 1969, p. 54-59.

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