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                    Mesopotamia. Vol. 7, 1972, pp. 167-191; reprinted in
                    Seminar for Arabian Studies. Vol. 3, 1973, pp. 3-20.

                     DURING CASPERS, E.C.L
                     "Statuary in the round from Dilmun", Persica. Vol. 6, 1972-74, pp. 58-144.

                     DURING CASPERS, E.C.L
                     "The Bahrain tumuli", Persica. Vol. 6, 1972-74, pp. 131-156.

                     DURING CASPERS, E.C.L
                     "The Bahrain tumuli", Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies. Vol. 2,
                     1972, p. 9-19.

                     DURING CASPERS, E.C.L
                     "Dilmun and the date tree", East and West new series, Vol. 23, No. 1/2,
                     March-June 1973, pp. 75-78.

                     DURING CASPERS, E.C.L
                     "Harappan trade in the Arabian Gulf in the 3rd millennium B.C.", Dilmun
                     (Journal of the Bahrain Historical and Archaeological Society), No. 5, 1973,
                     pp. 4-6.

                     DURING CASPERS, E.C.L
                     "Sumer and Kulli meet at Dilmun in the Arabian Gulf", Archiv fur
                     Orinetforschuno. Vol. 24, 1973, pp. 128-132.

                     DURING CASPERS, E.C.L
                     "Cultural concepts in the Arabian Gulf and the Indian Ocean: Transmissions in
                     the third millennium and their significance", Proceedings for the Seminar for
                     Arabian Studies. Vol. 6, 1976, pp. 8-39.

                     DURING CASPERS, E.C.L
                     "Statuary in the round from Dilmun", Proceedings for the Seminar for Arabian
                     Studies. Vol. 6, 1976, pp. 58-75.

                     DURING CASPERS, E.C.L
                     "A Dilmunite seal cutter's misfortune", Antiquity. Vol. 51, No. 201, March
                     1977, pp. 54-55.

                     DURING CASPERS, E.C.L
                     "Statuary in the round from Dilmun: Further evidence for trade contact in the
                     Gulf" in South Asian Archaeology 1975. J.E. Van Lohuizen-de Leeuw and J.M.M.
                     Ubaghs (Editors), E.J. Brill, Leiden, 1979, pp. 58-75.

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