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                     "Udgravningor p& Bahrain: Dansk arkaeologisk Bahrain- Ekspeditions 2.
                     udgravningskampagno" ("Tho Danish archaeological Bahrain- expedition's
                     second excavation campaign"), (in Danish with summary in English), Kuml
                     1955. 1955, pp. 178-190 Danish, pp. 190-193 English.

                     GLOB, P.V.
                     "Udgravninger p& oen med verdens storste gravplads at oldtidshoe. Dansk
                     Arkaeologisk Bahrain-ekspedition 1953-54" (in Danish), Salmonsen
                     Leksikon-Tidsskrift. 1955, pp. 257-272.

                     GLOB, P.V.
                     “Bringing a burial island to life", Danish Foreign Office Journal. No. 18,
                     January 1956, pp. 11-15.

                     GLOB, P.V.
                     "Et nybabylonisk gravfund fra Bahrains oldtidshovedstad" ("A neo-Babylonian
                     burial from Bahrain's prehistoric capital"), (in Danish with summary in
                     English), Kuml 1956. 1956, pp. 164-171 Danish, pp. 172-174 English.

                     GLOB, P.V.
                     "Une Tie sepulcrale revit" (in French), Revue Danoise. No. 9, Vol. 9, 1956,
                     pp. 13-16.

                     GLOB, P.V.
                     "Excavating a Bahrain citadel of 5,000 years ago: And seal links with Ur and
                     Mohenjo-Daro", Illustrated London News. 11 January 1958.

                     GLOB, P.V.
                     "Slangeofre i Bahrains oldtidshovedstad: Dansk arkaeologisk Bahrain-
                     Ekspeditions 4. udgravningskampagne" ("Snake sacrifices in Bahrain's ancient
                     capital: The Danish archaeological Bahrain- expedition's fourth excavation
                     campaign"), (in Danish with summary in English), Kuml 1957. 1958,
                     pp. 114-125 Danish, pp. 125-127 English.

                     GLOB, P.V.
                     "The prosperity of Bahrain five thousand years ago: Solving the riddle of the
                     100,000 burial mounds of the island", The Illustrated London News. 232,
                     No. 6187, 4th January 1958, pp. 14-16.

                     GLOB, P.V.
                     "Alabasterkar fra Bahrains templer: Dansk arkaeologisk Bahrain- Ekspeditions
                     5. udgravningskampagne" ("Alabaster vases from the Bahrain Temples: The
                     Danish archaeological Bahrain- expedition's fifth excavation campaign"), (in
                     Danish with summary in English), Kuml 1958. 1959, pp. 138-143 Danish,
                     pp. 144-145 English.


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