Page 104 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920_Neat
P. 104


                     List qf arms and ammunition captured and dhows destroyed during 29
                                  by the Naval Forces in the Persian Qu\f,

                                                      Asms akd Avmuvitxov.

                         Capture.    Mado b y  Data                         Rikabu.
                                                     Blflr*.  PI* tola.  Boon da.
                  Badao              « Tamil"  86th Febru­  488  146  221,000
                                             ary 1911.
                  8 Dhow*—
                    ” Adcathmon ’’ and - Chao-  '* llioor "  23rd Nay   6  210  Dhow « Adrnthmja-
                     dan”.                   1911.                       larut. “ CUnd^.,
                                                                         returned to own*
                  8 Dhows —
                    Owners : Sbcr Ali and Ab-   M Alort ”  19th June   •as  Sher All's dhow bQnit
                     dal Karim.              1911.                       after running
                                                                         Abdul Karim’.dSt
                                                                         wrongly indentijM
                                                                         and release^.
                  Ahmod-bin-Esa’s dhow  - Pclorus "  26th July          Dhow burnt
                                             1912.                       running anna.
                  Ziughu dhow         Do.   16th August   1          148  Dhow relcaecd on jtj.
                                             1912.                       mout of line by Kit
                  Ali-hin-Mchim's dhow  •* iliner "  20th August   210  12  229,400 Dhow burnt
                  2 Bndans          " ITcshona " 29th Septem­  7     240  Dhows released.
                                             ber 1912.
                  2 Esdaus            Do.   29th October  47        6,155  1 temporarily rctaiarf
                                             1912.                       u water boat, otter
                  2 Dhows .         " Retold ”  6th nod 8th   11  1  3,200  Dhows burnt
                  Brian               Do.   ISih liovczn-            li)0  Dhow released.
                  9 Verdis. Total in 1912              704    1C5   460,453  4,372 boxes of caps.

                      2. In addition to the foregoing the following have been received by His
                  Majesty’s Ships as detailed:—

                      Received Ex   Received by  Date 1912.  Rifles.  Pistols.  Round*.  Rexaek?.

                 B. I. 8.8. "Patiala" .  “ Minto "  19th Febru-  9  OfiOO
                 B. I. a a -Patiala" .   -Alert"  26th May .  4  2   864
                 British Agent at 8hargah  “ Pelorus "  1st 8eptem-  839  184,000  3 sacks of percussion
                                            her.                         caps.

                            Total                      843    11  140,864  9 sacks cap*.

                     This makes a grand total of—
                                              1,607 rifles
                                               176 pistols
                                             601,817 rounds and
                                              *871 boxes \
                                                8 sacks J ****
                 Of these 73 per cent, of the rifles and all the pistols  were  modern small bore
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