Page 128 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920_Neat
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to take charge. The Shaikh further took pains to provide the firm
suitable house for their business, and though a high rent was first demand
this was subsequently reduced very considerably. QC(1>
In July, during a visit by the Political Resident, Shaikh Mubarak *
Kuwait, in connection with similar stations at other ports in the Persian Gulf
The Shaikh expressed himself as pleased with the idea and further promised V'
co-operation and assistance in a subsequent letter, reiterating his thanks for th*
benefits likely to accrue to the town. e
A site was selected in September by officers from the Public "Works and
Pe.-sian Gulf Telegraph Departments, and it is hoped the work will shortly h
put in hand. c
On the 16th April it was arranged, on the Political Resident’s invitation.
that His Excellency the Naval Com,
The Shaikh’i Invert!tare with E.CJE.
mandcr-in-Chief should invest the Shaikh
with the decoration conferred upon him by His Imperial Majesty King Georee
Y on the occasion of the Delhi Durbar. Through the courtesy of His
cellency, Sir Alexander Bethell, the occasion was made an imposing function
which will be long remembered in Kuwait. Two Guards of Honour with band
landed from the flagship and were mounted at the Shaikh’s palace. His
Excellency the Naval Commander-in-Chief left the flagship under a salute,
the ship being simultaneously dressed, and was received at the Shaikh’s
landing-step9 by Shaikh Jabir and the Political Agent. He was conducted
to the Audience Hall being received at the entrance by Shaikh Mubarak,
the Political Resident, aud a Guard of Honour of Royal Marines with Band
The Audience Hall had been filled previously with* local dignitaries and
officers from the flagship while a large crowd had assembled in the adjoining
court-yards to see the function. After greetings had been exchanged and
refreshments served, His Excellency rose and addressed the Shaikh in English,
an Arabic translation of his speech being read immediately afterwards
His Excellency then invested the Shaikh with the Star and Badge of a
Knight Commander of the Most Eminent Order of the Indian Empire, while
the flagship fired a salute of 12 guns, and Guard and Band gave a general
salute. After Shaikh Mubarak had made his acknowledgments coffee was
served and His Excellency then took his departure being accompanied bv the
Shaikh, the Political Resident, the Political Agent and the Shaikh’s family to
the landing-steps, where he bid the Shaikh good-bye and entered his galley. On
His Excellency’s departure the Shaikh’s shore battery saluted with 15 guns
being followed by a similar salute from the Shaikh’s yacht. Plagstaffs were
dressed throughout the day which was observed as a holiday by most of the
A list of subjects and prot6g&> of other Christian Powers resident within
the jurisdiction of this Political Agency is appended to this report as Appen
dix II.
Friendly relations continue between the Ottoman authorities and Shaikh
with Turkey. Mubarak, no active interference in h»
affairs having taken place.
A deputation arrived from Basrah on the 2nd February to present the
Shaikh with the 1st class of the Order of the Mejidieh referred to in the Usj
year’s report. It consisted of Abdul Malek Effendi, Mufti of Basrah, Muhain®3.
Pasha, a leading Basrah merchant, Naim Beg, Chairman of the Basrah Mnnj*
cipality and Haji Ta’ah ChalabL The investiture took place at the Shaikh s
palace in the presence of a large crowd. Speeches anent the good-will »Dd
cordial relations prevailing between the Shaikh and the Ottoman Empire weJ*
made and the decoration was formally handed to the Shaikh by Saiyid Bajal)'
Nakhib of Basrah. The deputation returned to Basrah in the Shaikh’s yacht.0**
the 4th February. The Shaikh informed the Political Agent that the decorat10^
was conferred in return for his subscription to the Constantinople fire of*ut0
1911. Without an invitation the Political Agent found himself unable