Page 174 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920_Neat
P. 174



                  MEMORANDA BY MAJOR S. HUNT, I. M. S., RESIDENCY SUrqEov
                      ON THE WORKING- OF THE (1) RESIDENCY DISPENSARY, (2f
                      QUARANTINE ADMINISTRATION FOR THE YEAR 1913. * K

                      The  accompanying table gives the comparative figures of attendant
                                                  eto., at the Dispensary for the 3   ’
                           Dosidenoj Diaponeaxy.                                years

                                Tear.              In-pationta.  Oat-pationta.  Opontlom.

                  1011                                 73        13,397        599
                  1912                                 31        18,710        5S0
                  1913                                 140       15,009        552

                      The numbers attending tend to increase and the dispensary is popular
                  with the townsfolk. Eye-diseases abound aud treatment for sore eyes is much
                  appreciated. A large number of Muhammadan aud Jewish women atteui
                  The building occupied by the dispensary is well situated but poorly adapted for
                  hiking in-patients and the change made in 1912 was a retrograde move. The
                  provision for a decent hospital for Bushire is much to be desired and has been
                  mooted by a few leading members of the community, but ic seems desirable for
                  it to take the form of a development of the existing Residency Dispensary
                  rather than that the latter should suffer or be eclipsed in any way by an
                  independently conducted institution.
                      Many anonymous complaints against -various members of the dispensary
                  staff came to hand. With the concurrence of the Political Resident, a com­
                  plete change in the subordinate staff was made towards the end of the year.
                      The working of the Quarantine arrangements at all the Gulf Ports iuclud-
                              , „   ,  ,, .      ing Kuwait and Bahrain has gone smooth-
                       Ssmtuj Mid Qomantme Affairs.   ly and satisfactorily, and there has been
                  no change in the personnel except at Bushire.
                      The Clayton Gas Disinfecting Machine was overhauled and kept in satis­
                  factory working order aad was located temporarily at Mohamincrah instead of
                      Plague appeared at Bushire and DIbai. Bushire was reported plague
                                                 infected from 16th April to 24th May
                                                 The epidemic was a mild one and only 30
                  cases with 25 deaths were recorded.
                      Dibai was the only other port infected with plague, which lasted fro®
                  13th February to 6th August. Dibai is a weak spot in the Quarantine Ad­
                 ministration of the Gulf, and a source of danger to other ports, especially
                 Bahrain and Lingah, and will remain so till a medical officer can bo posted
                     In April one fatal case of plague oocurrcd on board the Persian Custom*
                 8.8. “Muzaffari” and tho ship was fumigated and deratized (?) at Moharninoram
                     No cases of Cholera or other epidemic disease occurred at any port in tho
                            cto!«.               Persian Gulf during tho year.
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