Page 180 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920_Neat
P. 180

                   40               PER8IAN GULP ADMINISTRATION REPORT

                   Muhammad Riza Khan*s tufangchis were killed. Eventually a settle
                   arrived at and ho was allowed to enter the town.          ment
                       Shibkuh.—Considerable damage was done to many houses and forta *
                   Cugam, Kalat, and Chiru Districts by an earthquake in March. Twelve
                   were killed. In June, Ishkanu was raided by a band of Turk
                   robbers, who, after killing and wounding about 15 Ishkanunis, carried ^
                   property and cattle.                                         111
                       Baqar Khan, the Chief of Ishkanu, together with his eldest son Tr
                   Ali Khan, were killed in the month of October by six men deputed’ bv^11
                   brother of the late Saiyid Baba of Bairam, who, it was said, was in constant r
                   of an attack from Baqar Khan.                              ' rear
                       Mirza Ali Khan, another son of Baqar Khan, succeeded his father as Cl ’ r
                   of Ishkanu.                                                    lle‘
                       The Shuja-i-Nizam, Deputy Governor of Bandar Abbas, visited the Sliibk \
                   Ports in the Persian Revenue Cutter “ Muzaffori *’ about the middle f
                   October, in connection will Maliyat duties. He was accompanied by on
                   tufangebis.                   "                              • u
                       Condition of Hoads and Postal Service.—The road to Lar was, on the
                                                  whole, fairly safe throughout the rear
                       Condition of and Postal Scirloa.
                                                  under review, and the caravan traffic
                  showed a great improvement-over the year 1912. About the middle of January
                  the roads from Lingah and Bandar Abbas to Lar, were held up by GOO Tmk
                  Nafar robbers who were reported to have carried off a caravan of 20*0 donkevs.
                      A large band of robbers also plundered, and carried off 2 caravans of 200
                  animals each, between Lar and Jahrum, in July. Tufangchis wero despatch­
                  ed from Jahrum to recover these, and, after a severe fight in which they lost
                  about 20 men, they succeeded in re-capturing 200 donkeys.
                      Most of the caravans returning to Lar during the year took up piece-goods,
                  sugar, and kerosine oil.
                      During 1912 most of them returned up-country empty through fear of
                  being robbed.
                      The following is a list of the caravans which arrived at Liugah during tie
                  year 1913 :—

                       From     Number of caravans. Kurcbor of animals.  Articles brought down.

                  Lar .                16         2,805  Ca-pets, rose-buds ; mastak, oil of
                                                          poppy-seed j gum and assaf.ntida.
                  Jahrum                3        1,008   Dry-dates ; almonds, raisins, pomegw-
                                                          - nates, etc.
                  Girash                1          400   Tobacco.

                      Total            20        4,273
                      The posts, escaped being robbed during the year, and a fairly regular
                               Port*.            service was maintained.
                     Gun-running was on a far smaller scale than in previous years.  Am13
                                                 reported landed in the Lingah
                             Ana* Traffic.
                                                 during the year amount to only 763
                 and 11 Mausor Pistols, as compared with 6,490 rifles and 154 Mauser Bist~
                 landed in 1912. Arms landea along the Shibkuh Coast further vest
                 Cliiru, and those oast of Birkeh Sifla have not been taken into account,
                 reports from these Quarters cannot be relied upon. The total number woulu
                 considerably swelled if these could be accurately ascertained.
                     The most popular type of rifle still appears to be the *275 Sporting
                 the price of which in tho interior is said to have ranged between R30U
                 R400. The increase in tho price confirms our diminished returns.
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