Page 222 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920_Neat
P. 222

                   Islam Khan’s intention after raiding Balak to proceed to Bir and act in
                   earao high-handed manner but, owing to the determined stand made hvn!0
                   people of tho place, he abandoned the attempt and retired on Bint, but lus h
                   not forgotten the incident and will sooner or later wreak his vengeance^
                   tho people who attempted to oppose hia advance.                 °n
                       Hot Faqir Muhammad of Parag, a headman in the receipt of an anm
                   subsidy of Its. 150 from our Department, was murdered on the night of ti
                   10th August last, thus removing a strong man who always worked in 10
                   interests and one who looked well after the line employes. The murd *
                   was committed by ono ATirdil, a connection of the deceased, in revenue [*
                   tho treatment ho had received from Paqir [Muhammad, who had imprlsone 1
                   him recently for stealing cattlo belonging to the inhabitants of Parag.   (
                       Small parties of Afghans have throughout the year been searching for arm
                   in the Karwan and Bint districts; it is also reported that caravans have left the
                   country travelling north, hut the number of Afghans and lilies accompanying
                   them aro greatly reduced.                                         3
                       Mirs Mahmud Khan and Din Mahmud Khan continue to act as
                                                   rulers of this district of Persian Baluchi*
                            Dnehtian District.     tan and the relationship between these
                   two Chiefs are a great deal more cordial than it has been for years. The
                   latter, as he is getting older, appears to be getting^ more settled in his habits and
                   gives his uncle (Mahmud Khan) the respect that is due to his age, consequently
                   affairs in this district are generally satisfactory.
                       On tho 2nd of October last one Bahrain Din Muhammad, a Rind from
                   the Pishin district, created a little excitement. by appearing a few miles off
                   Charbar with a few followers and ilueateuing to do for any British Indian
                   subjects he met, aud kidnapping the principal Hindu and Khoja representa­
                   tives at that port. It is believed an actual attempt of kidnapping was made
                   by Bahrain but, fortunately, it ended in a failure as the people of the Charbar
                   baazar were on tho alert, knowing it was the intention of this outlaw to do
                   them some harm. After a day or two Bahrain retired to Dashtiari, where his
                   movements were lost sight of until tho 21th November last, when it  w;u
                   reported at Charbar that he had left Kasserkand ten days previously and had
                   let people know it was his intention to harm me or some of tire people con­
                   nected with my camp. At the time of writing no information concerning
                   the whereabouts of this man can be had, but it is generally believed he
                   will quietly retire to his own district after a while and that nis tlircats are
                   all bluff. It is said that Bahram has been behaving in an unsettled manner
                   for over a year and, in Pebrnary last, looted five female camels from Tobo, in
                   the Dasht district; three of the animals belonged to Sowar Nezar Muhammad
                  of the Jask Sub-division’s local escort. These were returned by Bahrain on
                   the payment of Bs. 80 to tho Sowar, who .has now put in a claim for this
                       Sirdars Aahraf and Ahmed Khan aro the recognised rulers of this part
                              _ v tv                 Baluchistan and, as far as the district
                                                  is concerned, nothing of any interest is
                  available for record. Both chiefs are ruling quietly and, as the country is in
                  a fairly flourishing condition, affairs are normal. One Hayatan, a ryot of
                  Sirdar Ahmed’s, has occasionally crossed the border into the Sultan of
                  Maskat’s territory and lifted some cattle belonging to the people round about
                  there. This man is said to be a connection of Ahmed’s, the chiefs second
                  wife being his daughter.
                      The traffic in slaves between the Mekran and Arab coasts still continues,
                                                   though in a lesser degree than in previous
                              Slavo Traffic.
                                                   years, but the buying and selling of slaves
                  generally in the country is quite a recognised form of business. Seventeen
                  male ana thirteen female slaves were exported at different periods; the parti­
                  culars of each case are as follows:—
                        (1) Nakhoda Eamzan of Khunarak loft Rapch on the 13th January 191**
                               with four male and three feraalo slaves. (2) Ali Khan Sharaf ana
                               Sahib Khan of Lashar, on the 16th January 1913, shipp6^
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