Page 305 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920_Neat
P. 305
YOU TllB YEAR 1014. 21
Bam and flarmathir.
1. Salar-i-Mufakham.
2. Salar-i-Akrara.
3. Misbah-i-Diwan.
1. Ali Murad Khan, Bnkbtiari.
2. Zargkara-i-Nizam.
1. Ali Khan, Bakhtiari.
2. Lutf-i-Sarum Sultan, Bakhturi.
Aqla and Afshar.
Ainir Kali Khan Bahadur-i-Lashkar, Bakhtiari.
1. Rukn-us-Sultan.
2. Muhtnshain-ud-Dowleh.
1. Muktasbara-ud'Dowleh.
2. Khan Jan Khan, Bakhtiari.
1. Bafat-ud-Dowleb.
2. Rukn-us-Sultan.
Political History.
Though appointed in October of last year, the Sirdar-i-lTuhtasham only
left Tehran in March and, after a con-
Sirclari<Mublasbam and bit Gorcraortbip.
siderablo halt in Ispahan, arrived in
Kerman on the 27th April. The Sirdar-i-Nusrat acted for him till the middle
of March, when the Saham-us-Sultaneh arrived with 120 Bakhtiari sowars as
Deputy-Governor. Even before his arrival in Kerman, the Governor-General
found himself at loggerheads with the Revenue Department and Mr. Lecoffre.
The latter had handed over the Governor-General’s quarters in the Bagh-i-
Nasiri to the Gendarmerie and was trying to keep on Mirza Ibrahim Khan as
Amin-i-Maliyah though the Sirdar-i-Muhtasham had procured his dismissal
in Tehran before he left. The Sirdar-i-Muhtasham insisted on the restoration
of the Bagh-i-Nasiri and tho dismissal of Mirza Ibrahim Khan before his
arrival in Kerman and he carried his point in each case. Except as regards
difficulty in the recovery of certain joint claims of his and the Sirdar Bahadur’s
against the Persian Government variously given by them as 18,000 and 25,000
tomans, ho did not otherwise fall foul again of the Revenue Department
He was in indifferent health and suffering from a worrying skin affection
which two visits to Mahun in May and Juno and one to Lalazar in July did
not alleviate. A private arrangement which ho tried to work with the Gover
nor of Yozd for bringing the Shahar-i-Babak district under Kerman only
led to a disturbance and had to bo abandoned. He was also unsuccessful in
an attempt to get tho Shahab-us-Sultanch appointed Deputy-Governor of Yezd.
The disturbance in Bam which took him and the Consul to that placo is
treated elsewhere. Ho wished to introduce reforms into tho Carpet Factories
especially to prohibit boys and girls working together and to rcgulato the
hours of work but found tho matter too difficult. The Sirdar-i-Muhtosham’s
chief aim and object in accepting tho Kerman appointment was to organise