Page 320 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920_Neat
P. 320


                       During tho year the Arabistan lines were rc-crcctcd by the Indo-European
                               Telegraph line.    Telegraph Department. In August and
                                                  again in November great inconvonicnce
                   was experienced by tho total collapse of the old lino at vory critical times. The
                   Mohammorah-Ahwaz section was renewed in December.
                       Tho Consulate was joiuod to tho Basrah-Eao lino and an offico opened for
                   Government work by tho Indian Expeditionary Eorco “ D ” on tho 1st
                       Owing to the disturbed 6tate of the country no progress was made with tlio
                                Hospital.         proposal mentioned in last year’s report.
                                                  The dispensary maintained by Govern­
                   ment and worked by tho Quarantine Medical Officer continued to do good
                       This was completed in a rough way as far as funds would permit. Brick
                               Now Rond..         bridges over the canals are badly required
                                                   and will bo erected if monoy can be raised
                   for tho purpose.
                       Tho Anglo-Persian Oil Company continued their business thoughout the
                            British iuteroits.    year. In the months of September, Octo­
                                                  ber, and early November there was con­
                   siderable anxiety lest some attack should be made by the Turks, or by Arabs
                   at their instigation, on the Abadan Refinery. Great credit is due to the
                   Manager, Mr. Neilson, and the other officials that no scare arose among the
                   etn ployees. Admiralty and ocher tankers came up and took cargoes practically
                   without interruption.
                       Shipping business after the beginning of the War was much handicapped,
                   and the export of dates was curtailed,
                       Messrs. Lynch Brothers suffered a good deal of loss by the seizure of
                   several of their steamers and tugs by the Turks.
                      The firm, of Messrs. Robert Wonckhaus and Company was represented by
                            Foreign intemts.      Mr. Randall until July, after- which hlr.
                                                  Holst and for a short time Mr. Neilson
                  represented it. During the early part of the year the firm made a strong bid
                  for the carrying trade on the Karun and had some success. Messrs. Lynch
                  Brothers seemed to he holding their own just before the War started; after that,
                  of course, the German business practically ceased.
                      In August, the newly appointed Royal Italian Consul for the Gulf passed
                  through Mohammerah en route to Tehran on leave. Ho expressed his inten­
                  tion of trying to got away from the Gulf and has not returned.
                      The Shaikh had a meeting with Sirdar-i-JaDg and Sirdar Bahadur on the
                                                  10th May. The meeting was a friendly
                         Shaikh and BakhturU.
                                                  one, the only grievance of the Bakhtians
                  against the Shaikh was his loyalty to his friend the Amir Mujahid, who is very
                  unpopular with the other Khans. The Amir Mujahid stayed with tho Shaikh
                  in June on his way to Europe.

                                                          A. P. TREVOR, Major,
                                         Hie Britannia Majesty's Consul for Arabistan,

                   sotr d
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