Page 498 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920_Neat
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                                           CHAPTER XI.
                                            YEAR 1916

                     There 1ms been a remarkable growth in the prosperity of Kuwait in the
                                                year under review. This is in the main
                                                duo to expansion of trade with the
                 interior and also to some extent to an excellent pearling season of which
                 more anon.  The shipbuilding industry* also, has been lively owin<»
                 to the demand for lighters and other craft ou the Shatt-cl-Arab. All classed
                 appear to have shared in the general improvement, especially craftsmen,
                 pailors and labourers. Building operations arc in evidence in all quarters of the
                 town, which is rapidly extending:
                     The exigencies of the war have compelled the British India Steam
                 Navigation Company latterly to curtail their services to the port. In the
                 first half of 1916 a monthly average of four of the Company’s steamers was
                 maintained, but since then the average has dropped to one a month. However,
                 the Arab and Persian steamship liues have been making up for this deficiency
                 to some extent by more frequent calls, and all steamers are now bringing
                 heavier cargoes than formerly.
                     The climate was equable ; the maximum, highest temperature recorded
                 was 109°, on July 15th, and the lowest 40°, in January. The rainfall was 5
                 inches and 90 cents.
                     The installation of the water condensing plant was still far from complc-
                                                tion at the end of the year. The pre-
                                wappj.          occupation of the Angio-Persian Oil
                  Company in war-work may have contributed to the delay, as also (he great
                 difficulty in obtaining material from England. It is hoped, however, that
                 the plant will be in working order by the middle of May, 1917. Until then,
                 all water required must be brought from the Shatt-el-Arab, some 70 or 80
                 miles distant.
                     The generally pro-British attitude of the Shaikh and people of Kuwait
                                                was maintained thioughout the year.
                             The War.
                                                Some little irritation, arising from the
                 restrictions of our blockade, was perhaps natural in a community composed
                 chiefly of traders, large and small. Moreover, prices obtainable in Hail and Syria
                 were singularly attractive and, though aware that the very existence of his
                 business depended on the British connection, it was exasperating to the trader
                 to have to forego such a golden harvest. Shaikh Jabir al Mubarak, though
                 our very good friend, was not the robust ally that his father had proved him­
                 self to be. He had only recently succeeded to the Shaikhdom and was anxious
                 to be a popular ruler. The blockade was unpopular and Jabir gave us little or
                 no real assistance in making it effective. Still, the failuro of the operations to
                 relieve Kut in the earlier part of the year and the eventual fall of that p'.aco
                 did not affeot Kuwait, as it would have done bad there existed any under
                 current of serious antagonism towards us. And after Bin Baud’s visit, in Nov­
                 ember, and the epoch-making meetings which then took place between him and
                 the Shaikhs of Kuwait and Mohammerah with the Chief Political Officer, it
                 seemed as if the nro-Turkish party were definitely discredited. Literature on
                 the war, especially Reuter’s telegrams, the Basrau Times, the Mukattam and
                 other Arabic newspapers wore in demand. The atrocities of the Germans and
                 particularly their ill-treatment of tho Belgians have made a deep impression.
                 The massacre of the Armenians is also frequently quoted agaiust tho Turk8*
                 who are perhaps more odious to the Arabs than to ourselves.
                     An overland telegraph line has been constructed between Basrah and
                                                Kuwait, vid Zobeir, Um Kasr and Samj
                           Foita and Telegraph*,
                                                yah, a route which, though considerably

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