Page 506 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920_Neat
P. 506
11. So long ns tho above terms run into force and the Ajinan adhere to
tliem and remain obedient to the British Government tho Amir Abdul Az'u
bin Baud will not molest them, and they can rest immune so long as tiie
Govornmont are satisfied with them.
Purport oj Ohief Political Officer's remarks when delivering decollations.
I fool greatly favoured by fortune at having the honour on behalf of
Majesty the King-Emperor and His Excellency tho Viceroy, to invest Your
Excellency Shaikh Jabir with (ho Companionship of the Star of India and
Your Excellency Ibn Saud with that of the lCuighthood of the Indian Empire.
I have been commanded when delivering to each of you theso decorations
in their behalf to expross to you at tho same time the appreciation of His
Majesty’s Government of the co-operation and accord which we have received
from your Honours since the beginning of the war. It is a great satisfaction
to His Majesty’s Government to know from me that you Shaikh Jabir have
tho firm intention of following in the wise footsteps of your distinguished
father whose statesmanship and length of view made him famous among the
Chiefs of the Arab States while a9 regards your Houour, al Amir, it has bcca
a matter of much gratification to them to know that the relations between
Your Excellency’s family have been confirmed and cemented. It is my good
fortuno to find our tried friend Shaikh Khazal here at Kuwait, than whom no
ono has deserved better of the British Government, and it is a source of great
satisfaction to be able to feel that a c this time wo are all bent on one common
purpose, to which we arc quite confideut of a successful issue.
I beg to offer you my congratulation on your decoration and hope I maj
be spared to see you win further distinction.
Chief events of the year in chronological order.
/3th February.—The overland post to Basrah was robbed by Shammar
tribesmen GO miles south ofZubair and has ever since been suspended, the maili
being sent to Pao by sea.
6th April.—A gale accompanied by a heavy rain storm did considerable
damage to the shipping and destroyed many houses in the town.
27th April.—Ibn Rashid marched towards Kuwait and encamped at »
8pot some three days* journey distant. Shaikh Salim occupied Jahara to guard
the approaches to the town.
10th May.—His Excellency the Naval Commander-in-Chief, East Indies
Squadron, visited Kuwait in H. M. S. “ Imogene, ”
6th June.—Ibn Rashid, after reconnoitring the Kuwait forces at Janara.
retired to Safwan, a place on march from Zubair.
28th June.—Lieutenant-Colonel W. G. Grey relinquished charge of the
Political Agency on transfer to Meshed, being relieved by Major R. B. A
27th August.—Commodore D. St. A. Wake visited Kuwait in H. M-
8. “Lawrence.” Offioial visits were exchanged with Shaikh Salim, -who wa«
acting as deputy to Shaikh Jabir, while absent on a visit to Mohammorah-
The Commodore, the Political .Agent and a large party dined with Shaikh
Salim at the Palace.
31st October.—The Shaikh of Mohammerah (Sir Khazal Khan) married
in Kuwait the Georgian widow of the late Shaikh of Kuwait (Sir Mubarak).
7th November.'—Boraidah caravan attacked at Sabathiyah within Kutfflij
bordois by Ibn Haiyar,a 8haramar 8haikh. The raiders were driven off but
the caravan leader was killed.
16th November.—A Najd caravan taking merchandise from Kuwait
attacked in the Dahana and after heavy fighting lost GO laden canids.