Page 596 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920_Neat
P. 596
19th August at Rudkhnnoh-i-Shur, when some camels belonging to n PerRian
merchant were carried off ; but these were subsequently recovered by tho local
Deputy Governor.
(6) Minab and District.—There was, practically speaking, no troublo in
the Minab Distriot throughout 1918.
The trade of the port showed an improvement over 1917, and this is chiefly
attributable to tho comparative safety 0f
the caravan routes over previous years
duo to the presence of British troops in tho country, although tho fact of the
Bushire-Shiraz route being entirely closed, also accounted for the increase in
trade to a great extent.
Many of the Government transports visiting the port, by special arrange,
ment, carried ordinary merchandise besides Military stores.
(а) The Anglo-Persian Oil Company on Kishm Island made very little
progress during the year. From 1,800
Britiih intemta.
feet, the depth of the boring was increased
to 2,200 feet, but though tho prospects are still considered favourable no new
vein of oil was struck ; gas on several occasions being encountered.
The lack of shipping facilities, together with an over abundance of water
in the boring at various stages, are the two chief factors to which such slow
progress is attributed. The latter difficulty is, however, now being dealt with
as met, by the insertion of various strings of casing.
Mr. J. L. "Wright was still directing operations on the Island at the close
of the year.
(б) A branch of the Imperial Bank of Persia was opened at Bandar
Abbas on'the 12th of October, under the management of Mr. W. J. d*Alton.
BuriDg the three months it was open in 1918 the business was far better than
Japanese gcods continued to be imported during the year. The quality
of matches, silk and other goods generally
Foreign ioterett*.
was still very inferior, and this is begin-
ning to be recognised bj tho general public.
(a) Assistant Surgeon H. C. Berlie, I.M.D., held charge of the Charitable
Dispensary and Quarantine duties of the
Quarantine and Medical.
port, up to 12th October, when he was
relieved by Assistant Surgeon C. H. Mason, I.M.D., and proceeded on leave to
India, returning on 2nd December, when he again assumed charge, remaining
in office at the close of the year.
(b) Total number of patients during the year amounted to 3,889 as
compared with 3,388 the previous year. The above figures only include new
(<?) Influenzay in epidemic form appeared about the third week in October,
and died oot towards the last week in November. The epidemio was very
widespread and extremely severe. It is estimated that in the town alone there
were about 1,000 deaths.
(d) Measles in severe epidemic form occurred during tho first half of the
year on two occasions. There were several deaths.
(e) Temperature».—In the Shade—
Maximum. Midi mum.
lit quarter ..... . 81° 52°
. 101° 61°
M . 106° 79°
4th 94° 61°
(a) Two interruptions were report
Bid dir Abbu-Krnmu Telegraph Lise.
during the year, neither of which was du
to Wilful damage.
(b) A slight diversion was carried out towards the end of th* y«*ar* A v
work was in charge of Mr. J. 8. Navarra, of the Indo-European Telegrap
Department, who wai placed on active service with tho rank of Captain.