Page 739 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920_Neat
P. 739

            tliis report. Mussadiq-cs-Sultanch bonefittod from the strong support and
            advice of tho Qawam-ul-Mulk, whose influence throughout Furs is very
                In December Mohamed Ibrahim Farrash Bnshi of Nasr Diwan of Kazerun
            was released. While it was indisputable that he had taken a loading part in
            the murder of Wills and 8ergeant Coomber at Khcnoh Ziman it had proved
            impossible to secure conviction. He was released on condition that a suitable
            security was deposited that he did not return to Kazerun and that he took no
            retaliatory measures against witnesses in the case.
                After tho tribes had migrated to their summer quarters Salar Hishmat
            Hbcgi suddenly attacked Ayaz Kikha and result of which was the division of
            tho Darashuri tribe again and Nasrullah Khan and Ali Penah claimed most of
            the tribe. Sardar Ehteshem, however, would not agree to the dismissal of
            Ayaz Kikha as Kalantar and handed over the money of the tribe to Ayaz Kika
            and his son. Salar Hishmat was expected to resign in consequence of this
            but did not do so. This was the only important instance of inter-tribal fighting
            during the year. During the summer months Sardar Ehteshem lay seriously
            ill in Ispahan. In September a tentative rapprochement was arrived at
            between the Qawam-ul-Mulk and the Soulat-ed-Dowleh which consisted of an
            agreement not to interfere in each other’s affairs and the deposit of 20,000
            tomans each in the hands of the leading Shroff in Shiraz. Nothing came of
            this, however, as the money was not doposited.
                While Prince Arfa-ed-Dowlch the Persian representative of the League of
             Nations was proceeding from Isfahan to 8hiraz en route for Geneva all his
            baggage was looted including his credentials. The culprits were Ayaz Kikha’s
             D .rashuris. Tho Qawam-ul-Mulk accompanied by a party of South Persian
             Rifles lator effected the recovery of the Prince’s property.
                Towards the end of the year endeavours were being made to settle the
             question of Soulat-ed-Dowleh -who in the opinion of tho majority of those who
             carried any weight, was the only man strong enough to bo II Khani.
                 There have been no noteworthy events in Eehbehan during tho year.
                                            The usual chronic state of unrest and raid
                                            and counter raidcontinued during the
             year.  At the end of the year one Agha Baba Khan was sent to Bohbehan
             from Sheraz to look after the work of the elections.
                 Hayat Daud under Haider Khan’s good and wise government remains
                                             still peaceful and contented. His advice
                     Haynt Daud and Lirawi.
                                             in current local politics is frequently
             sought and as freely given.
                 Agha Khan of Lirawi was perturbed at the advent of Haji Sayed-es-
             Sultaneh the owner of Lirawi from Europe. This gentleman wanted to sell
             Lirawi to the Sheikh of Mohammerah, a project viewed writh much alarm and
             dissatisfaction by Agha Khan and Haider Khan but the matter fell through
             eventually. Rumours that the Bakhtiaris had bought Lirawi were frequent
             but unfounded.
                 The many changes in the Cabinet in Teheran have not affected Bushire
                                             in the least, Bushiro being thoroughly
                                             self-centred and quite indifferent to
             the politics of the far away capital. In the same  way the threat of
             Bolshevism in the North was merely a subject of idle conversation and
             nothing more. There is an under current of anti-British feolings which is
             never very apparent but is none the less there. At the end of December
             elections took place in Bushire and out of 5 candidates for the two seats Mirza
             Ali Kazeruni secured more than half of the total number of votes. This man,
             who is in Teheran, was notorious during the war as Wassmuss’s right hand
             man, and had been strongly anti-Hritish even before the w ar. The candidate
             who secured 2nd place Mirza Mahmud Behbehnni was disqualified as under
             age and Shaikh Abdul Kerim of Shiraz, a man of no note, secured the 2nd
                 The commercial life of Busbire suffered a sovero shock in the autumn owine
             to the bankruptcy of the Qassmieh Company in Shiraz who had a branch here,
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