Page 84 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920_Neat
P. 84
Captain . A. J. H. Grey held charge of the Vice-Consulate throughout
the year under report.
HU Eritannic Majc*ty*« Vlce-Conmlate.
In March Captain Grey received his commission as Vice-Consul, Ahwa*
and the local rank of Consul, which the incumbent of the post had hitherto held
was abolished.
The duties of the post were not however materially altered. Captain Grey
was instructed that his position and duties as regards Bakhtiari and Luristan re
mained as before and that he was to consider these his primary duties, but that,
when in Arahistan, he would be under the orders of His Majesty’s Consul,
Mohammerah, and would exercise no independent Consular powers within the
latter’s jurisdiction.
Mr. H. S. Gratama, Consul for the Netherlands, left for Europe making
over charge of the Consulate to Mr. P. p
Foreign Consulate*.
Ter Meulen.
In June the Dutch Consulate was abolished. In October the Dutch fla*
which had been hauled down in June was again hoisted by Mr. Ter Meulen over
his residence. Mr. Ter Meulen informed Captain Grey that the flag lent no
official status to his house.
Mr. P. P. Ter Meulen held the appointment of Russian Consular Agent
throughout the year under report
The Russian Government maintained a Persian agent in Luristac
throughout the year with headquarters
Foreign Snbjecf* and Protege*.
at Burujird. A secret agent, by name
Mirza Taki Khan, was maintained by the Ispahan Russian Consulate in
Bakhtiari territory until November when he resigned.
With these exceptions there were no Foreign subjects or protegds within the
territories reported on.
Ahicaz.—Shaikh Chasib, Nusrat-ui-Mulk, held the post of Deputy Governor.
Local Authorities. Ahwaz, throughout the year under report.
Pusht-i-Kuh.—Ghulam Reza Khan, Ainir-i-Jaug, retained his position
as practically independent ruler throughout the year.
Luristan.—During the year under report Luristan lias not been under tiic
governing control of any official appointed for that purpose by the Ccnfr^
Government. Various individuals have been'nominated sometimes by Salar-cd*
Dowlch and at others by Farman Fanna on behalf of the Persian Government
but not one of these has succeeded iu establishing any control whatever over tbc
tribes of Luristan.
The names of those who have nominally held the post of Governor-Generr.l
during the year are as follows:—
January • Sardar Akratn nominee of Salar-cd-Dowleh (did not come to Luristan).
February • Salar Afkbam „ • „ Per: ian Government (took over Government
February . Sardar 8aid „ „ (did not come to Luristan)-
June . . Sardar Akram „ „ Salar-ed-Dowleh „ „
July • . Amir Afkbam u „ Persian Government (took over Government