Page 270 - Records of Bahrain (1) (ii)_Neat
P. 270


                  628                        Records of Bahrain
                  Transcription of previous document
                                                Office No 257 of 1851
                                                Cons: No 16 of 1851
                           From                            Secret Department
                                Lieut Colonel Hennell
                                     Resident in the Persian Gulf

                                A. Malet Esquire
                                     Chief Secretary, to the Govt of Bombay
                                           Camp near Bushire

                                                           5th August 1851
                      I have much satisfaction in forwarding for the information of
                the Right Honorable the Governor in Council, the enclosed copy of a
                letter from Commodore Porter, dated the 31st ultimo reporting that.
                Ameer Fysul, the Wahabee Chief, has concluded a peace with Mahomed
                ben Khuleefa, the Sheik of Bahrein through the good offices of Sheik
                Saeed ben Tahnoon of Aboolhable, and after giving up possession of
                the forts of Bidda to Sheik Ally bin Khuleefa had returned to
                2.    The only favourable condition obtained by the Ameer from the
                Bahrein Sheik, has been the promise to pay at some future time, the
                sum of 4,000 Crowns on account of the arrears of the “Zukat" or
                blockade at^ateef'bv*th °f Bldd*' and the successful forcing of the
                 it not been for o^r In erfer^ °f E),-Chlef' * think, that, had
                Squadron in Bahrein the erence> and the opportune arrival of the
                upon that Island!                W0Uld have seeded in his views

                the Agent at'Bahre ln^dated°th°fsubstance of two letters from
                respectively commutate !n ! 2«th July and 2nd Instant,
                 for peace, Ind their succissf!f r«JnsPr°9reSS °f th* ne90tlatl0nS

                 termination^s^holerab's rfatno              th“S brou9ht to an early
                have occurred on board th* ? in Bahrein, and other fatal cases
                Squadron In the unh!I?*£5 Euphraties". The sick list also of the
                rapidly increasing. Y neighbourhood of Bahrein and Kateef was
                a copy of my^eDlv^of                f0r the lnformation of Government,
                requesting him tiyreLnS ?heay 5 d?tC t0 Co™°rdore Porter,
                several stations?               VCSSels °f the *****™n to their

                Residency, Persian                    I have the honor to be
                Gulf, Camp near                       (Signed) S. Hennell
                Bushire, 5th August 1851              Resident in the Persian Gulf
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