Page 370 - Records of Bahrain (1) (ii)_Neat
P. 370

726                        Records of Bahrain

                  Bahrain shall fail to adjust thorn satisfactorily. Ii\ like manner tho British
                  llcsidont will uso his good ollicos for tho welfare of the subjects of Bahrain in
                  the ports of tho inaritimo Arab tribes of this Gulf in allianco with tho British
                                             Article 5.
                      Thoso Articles of allianco shall have ofTcct from tho dato of ratification or
                  approval by tho British Government.
                      Bono at Bahrain this twontiotli day of Zillcad, in tho year of tho Hegira
                  1277, corresponding with tho thirty-first day of May 18G1.
                                                        Signature and seal of—

                                                           FELIX JONES,
                                                  Political Resident in the Persian Oulf.

                                           Sent of Shaikh
                                          Mahomed, Kutcr
                                          o( Uahraiu.

                                           Sent of Shaikh
                                          Ati bin Klmtifnh,
                                          brother of tho

                                            Sent of Slmikli
                                           Hnuild bin Mnho*
                                          mod, cousin of
                                           Shaikh Mahomed.

                                            Sent of Shnikh
                                           Ahmed bin Muht-
                                           rak, coimin of '  •Elders of Bahrain and witnesses
                                           Shaikh Mnboiuod.
                                                           to this Convention.
                                            Seal of Shaikh
                                           Khatifnh bin
                                           Mahomed, cbmin
                                           of Shaikh Maho­

                       Approved by His Excellency tho Governor-General in Council on the Oth
                   October 1801, and. ratified by tho Government of Bombay on 20tli February
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