Page 385 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 385
Legal affairs and justice, 1952-1957 775
) 2 (
has boon the subject of comment on sovoral occasions
in the local press and is frequently mentioned in
conversation amongst tho growing class of oducatod and i
somi-oducated Bahrainis.
2. If we cannot produco our suggestions without undue
delay, not only will our representations carry less
weight but His Highness will continuo to roly on Mr.
Ballantyno, tho son of his solioitor in London who
is resident in Bahrain and acts ns local advisor to the
Hulor on legal mattors. This is undesirable because
in his drafting ho tond3 to omphasize tho legislative
sovereignty of the Huler to the detriment of our
Jurisdiction and ho in any enso lacks tho knowledge
or capacity for drafting complicated laws. Thus, when
His Higlinoss recently montionod tho need for "Workman1 s
Compensation Law" , and proposed to have a draft mado by
Mr. Ballantyno, I instructed the Political Agent to
agree that such a law is desirable but to recommond that
the drafting be left to us. If tho Hulor agroos to this
procedure, on this occasion, it will bo of the utmost
importance that wo should bo able to present a suitable
draft to him with tho minimum of delay.
I havo tho honour to bo,
With tho highest respect,
My Lord,
Your Lordship's obedient Servant,
(B.A.B. Burrows)