Page 353 - Neglected Arabia (1906-1910)
P. 353


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       acknowledged. He began to attend services, so that at length                           />..
       justified in having him make public confession, which he did \v .../
       the whole congregation at Sunday service, confessing his sin and              ^            u-
       icating himself to the Lord Jesus Christ. The other case of ^ '***.
       wife has proved more difficult. His business affairs—he has a                      uv. —.
       the bazaar—are very much involved, and in contracting debts              % *           f.
       his ability he has given others the handle upon himself. In these                  • ■ ■ •r
       the fear of man has proved stronger than the fear of God, so tha:
       progress was made at my departure. Yet the news has since corr.e
       he has left his former associations and is coming to church again. ^
       so hope revives.                                                                           *. “
          Now I wonder what our clerical brethren at home think of all
       I wonder if any would have stuck to the law and excomrnumcuc-.^                              .. m
       What do you think of such converts, reader? No doubt, marry
      say, rather poor material. Yes, such they are. There is a
                 "ar “"“.r-* •«*»* rJSZH sr1 ■  ;                               \                     Si I
      sometimes administered in India that can

      sistent fr ^ Tt 7 * K S°llI‘ ^cad m trcsPass a”d sin” IS the >> -                            - I
      weak b ,       rf,am’ 3nd thc wo"d^ is not that these converts are                         ;isl 1
      can renent A/ ^SC dead ones have been brought to life so that : v
      a hard 1J " * Va 1 lat that means. The thing to be learned, and       1C                   ■ m. l
      Christ inn rr°n' IS 1 lat wc cannot expect thc same standards of
      we in a‘nv m.these weakIl'ngs that we look for at home. Not :i
      that we r "7 Sh°,Uld l0Wer the standard of morality—God forbid          .X                            1
       *at we condone their weaknesses. But we must ever         be ready w.;>                  . 2 I
       he largest charity to give the lift up, ever
      SLsns- r ^                                                                                 :           i
      prayers the grace ^GoT^ii^ US. ?‘VC them frcely' for thr0UKh >XV;
                               d will establish them and make them stand.
                                                                                               A AM

                          INFIDELITY IN ARABIA.
                                 REV. JOHN VAN ESS.
      Word to m/tffi1'112? at ^asar0*ch an officer in the gendarmerie sent
      time he ,at he w*shed t0 |iave a pmate interview. At thc appointed
      school and a cl ^fn e<^ tIle censor, a teacher in thc government
                                                                                                       - \c
      the officer n          le ^ur^ls^ court- After thc preliminary salaams                 i
      questions* T° UCC * PaPcr in which were written thc following
         («) Before God what?
                                                                                               • >    <3.‘
         } ) rf thC WOrld eternal?
         / Vv Refine sin and spirit.                                                                -*.
                 S Revelation absolute or relative?

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