Page 172 - Life & Land Use on the Bahrain Islands (Curtis E Larsen)
P. 172


                                       Near Abqaiq and adjacent to archeological site 208-76 (Adams et al.
                              1977), two further sections
                                                        were exposed. These were in a close association with
                              the river and lake system but were chiefly composed of eolian fine- to medium-
                              grained sands. Two strong paleosols, developed in these sands, indicate periods of
                              increased soil moisture thought to relate to higher levels in the adjacent lake. A
                              lower paleosol dated to 3315 + 245 B.P. (1565-1595 B.C.) was covered by eolian
                              sands upon which had developed a second paleosol dated to 2560 + 170 B.P. (750
                              B.C.). Together these paleosols reflect  upon a long period of dessication (ca. 815
                              years). Overlying this entire geological section and covering several hectares of the
                              adjacent land surface were late first millennium B.C.  ceramics related to the
                              Hellenistic collections from Thaj (Bibby 1973).
                                      Other dated stratigraphic sections from al-Hasa come from the eastern
                              border of the Hofuf Oasis, where aerial photographs shows traces of abandoned
                              irrigation networks. Archeological survey of this same area shows the abandoned
                              canals to be related to late Early Islamic period cultivation. A black organic soil
                              associated with this Early Islamic cultivated area is underlain by a gypsiferous silty
                             sand pointing to salinization related to possible soil saturation from the irrigation
                             network. Regardless of the cause of evaporites, a lower paleosol has been dated to
                             2040 + 175 B.P. (20 A.D.). TTiis soil was developed on gray silty sand of uncertain
                             environmental history. Further evidence for greater moisture conditions during the
                             Early Islamic period was discussed above in connection with the Hotzl, Kramer, and
                             Maurin (1978) studies of the same area, where organic soils dated to A.D. 850-830
                             were covered by deep water marsh deposits. TTiis ponding of water may indicate a
                             change in total runoff, or may show a purposeful channeling of irrigation water to
                             this portion of the oasis.
                                      To be sure, this runoff from Hofuf cannot be translated a priori into terms
                             of paleoclimatic changes. Even though the oasis collects surface water from the
                             surrounding Shedgum Plateau and the flanks of the Ghawar anticline, the major
                             artesian flows from the Khobar limestone near al-Hofuf complicate our
                             understanding of the water budget for the oasis. The lakes and rivers which drained
                            the oasis show a composite of rainfall, artesian flow, and cultural
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